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Glossário da Aviação

Por:   •  13/12/2018  •  Ensaio  •  411 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  236 Visualizações

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Rayson Tavares de Souza                                            B01
Inglês técnico III

                                                 Atividade Avaliativa

1 Complete the sentences from the radio feature, then listen and check

a)  Get your full kit.                                 d) wold you fell us how fires are caused ?
Line Up   For inspension                     e) can you talk about your woek on the ground
 cold you describe your work to us ?   f) Jumpers, don’t talk ! get ready ... drop zone !

3 we often use get in place of verbs of moments in orders. Make the following polite request in orders with get.

Get some water
Get away from the aircraft
Get cut
Get a fire extinguisher
Get your mask on

1. Complete the senteces with the verbs below.

the fan has
overheated there’s smok coming from it.
if anyone smokes in the toilet, it will
 set off the smoke detector.
this outlet is
 overloaded ,so we need to unplug a couple of things
some wiring has
come loose, and needs securing in place.
water has got into the wires and  caused the system to
short circult
if the circuitbreake
trips ,you need to it reset

4  Liesten again and answer the questions.

how do the crew fist realize there is a problem?

three circuit breakes trip.

what does the pilot think the cause could be ?

 a fan that has overheated.

where is the smell cirming from ?

 from one of the washrooms

how do they deal eith the passengers who feel uncomfortable ?

they move them away from the washroom área.

what thow possible causes does the cabin crew manager mention ?

loose wiring or na overloaded culte.

what equipment does the cabin crew manege puto n before investigating again ?



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