- Trabalhos, Monografias, Artigos, Exames, Resumos de livros, Dissertações


Por:   •  24/5/2015  •  Ensaio  •  2.584 Palavras (11 Páginas)  •  356 Visualizações

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  1. How are you?
  2. How are you doing?
  3.  Are you nervous?
  4. What´s your name?
  5. What´s your first name?
  6. What´s your last name?
  7. What´s your full name?
  8. Is it the first time you´re applying for this job?
  9. What´s your occupation?
  10. What are you?
  11. What´s your profession?
  12. What do you do?
  13. What do you do for living? (occupation)
  14. How do you make a living?
  15. How long have you been working as a ……………………………..?
  16. How old are you?
  17. Where do you live?
  18. Do you like living there? Why?
  19. How long have you lived there?
  20. How far is it from here?
  21. Who do you live with?
  22. How many people are there in your house?
  23. Do you have any brothers and sisters?
  24. How is he? (she)
  25. Where are you from?
  26. Where do you come from?
  27. When were you born?
  28. When´s your birthday?
  29. Where were your born?
  30. What´s your hobby?
  31. What do you like to do?
  32. What do you like doing?
  33. What don´t you like to do? Why?
  34. Do you like to read?
  35. What kind of books do you like to read?
  36. What sort of books don´t you like to read? Why?
  37. Have you read any good book recently?
  38. Have you read any great book lately?
  39. tell me about it (summarize it)
  40. Do you like music?
  41. What kind of music do you like?
  42. What kind of music do you hate? Why?
  43. What do you like to do in your free time?
  44. What do you like to do in your spare time?
  45. What kind of person are you?
  46. What type of people are your parents?
  47. How do you get along with them?
  48. Do your parents work?
  49. Where do they work?
  50. Do you help them with the expenses?
  51. Do you have to support them?
  52. Are you married or single?
  53. Do you have children? How many?
  54. How long have you been married?
  55. How do you get along with your wife? (husband)
  56. Do you have many fights with you wife? (husband)
  57. Are you jealous?
  58. Are you independent?
  59. What do you consider an independent person?
  60. Is it important to be independent? Why?
  61. At what time do you usually wake up?
  62. At what time do you usually go to bed?
  63. At what time do you go to work?
  64. At what time would like to start working? Why?
  65. Are you a punctual person?
  66. Are you usually late?
  67. Are you always on time?
  68. Is it important to be on time?
  69. Why is it important to be on time?
  70. Do you like to wait for people?
  71. How do you feel when you have to wait for someone?
  72. What do you do when you’re late for an appointment?
  73. Do you usually make up excuses?
  74. How often do you go to work?
  75. How often do you go out?
  76. How often do you visit your relatives?
  77. What do you do when you miss your family?
  78. What do you do when you miss your friends?
  79. Do you miss people easily?
  80. Do you consider yourself a fragile person?
  81. Are you still studying or did you quit school?
  82. Why did you quit studying?
  83. Don’t you like to study?
  84. Are you still studying English?
  85. How long have you been studying English?
  86. Where did you learn how to speak English?
  87. Do you like to speak English?
  88. Do you like any other language?
  89. How many languages can you speak?
  90. How many languages are you able to speak?
  91. What do you like about learning a language?
  92. What´s difficult about English?
  93. What´s difficult about learning languages?
  94. Do you have any kind of problem when learning languages?
  95. How many jobs have you had up to now?
  96. How many jobs have you so far?
  97. Tell me about you experience?
  98. Which job did you like best? Why?
  99. Which one didn´t you like? Why?
  100. Have you ever been fired? Why?
  101. How many times have you been fired?
  102. Have you ever caused problems at work?
  103. How do you get along with your superiors?
  104. How do you usually get along with your workmates?
  105. Why would you like to work at tam?
  106. Why do like to work as a flight attendament?
  107. Why did you decide to apply for this job?
  108. What do you know about tam?
  109. What´s your opinion about tam?
  110. What do you think about tam?
  111. Do you know anyone from tam?
  112. Do you know anyone at tam?
  113. Do you know at tam?
  114. At what department does he see work?
  115. Do you get along with him her?
  116. Has anyone from your family ever worked at tam?
  117. What did he i she do here?
  118. How did he i she liked the job?
  119. Do you speak highly of tam?
  120. Do you like planes?
  121. Do you like airports?
  122. How many airports do you know?
  123. How many airports have you been to?
  124. Which one did you like best? Why?
  125. Which one didn´t you like? Why?
  126. How do you feel when you are at the airport?
  127. Have you ever been on a plane?
  128. How many times?
  129. How did you feel when you got on a plane for the first time?
  130. Have you ever traveled abroad?
  131. Where have you been to?
  132. What countries have you been to?
  133. Did you like any particular city? Which one? Why?
  134. What cities have you been to?
  135. Which cities would you like to visit to? Why?
  136. Would you like to go abroad? Why?
  137. Do you know anyone there?
  138. Do you anyone who´s been there?
  139. Would you like to live abroad? Why?
  140. Do you consider yourself calm?
  141. Do you think you are hectic? “agitado/frenético”
  142. What kind of life you lead?
  143. What type of life do you have?
  144. What kind of life would you like to lead?
  145. Do you get tired easily?
  146. Do you exercise?
  147. Do you like to work out?
  148. Where do you get your exercises?
  149. How do you get your exercises?
  150. Is it important to get some exercises? Why?
  151. Are you patient?
  152. Do you lose your temper easily?
  153. What makes you lose your temper?
  154. What makes you nervous?
  155. What gets you mad?
  156. Have you ever lost your temper with your parents?
  157. Have you ever lost your temper with your boss?
  158. Have you ever lost your temper with your workmates?
  159. Can you name any famous airlines company?
  160. Where´s Lufthansa from?
  161. Where´s British airways from?
  162. Where´s jal from?
  163. Where´s klm from?
  164. Where´s tam from?
  165. Where´s united airlines from?
  166. Are you afraid of highest?
  167. Are you afraid of flying?
  168. What are you afraid of?
  169. Do you get scared easily?
  170. What day is today?
  171. What date is today?
  172. Which is your favorite day of the week? Why?
  173. Which is your favorite’s season? Why?
  174. What kind of weather do you like?
  175. What´s the weather like yesterday?
  176. What was the weather like today?
  177. What time is it now?
  178. At what time is your breakfast?
  179. did you have breakfast
  180. What did you have for breakfast?
  181. How many meals do you usually have a day?
  182. Which is your favorite meal? Why?
  183. Can you cook well?
  184. Do you know to cook well?
  185. How often do you cook?
  186. Do you like people?
  187. Do you like to work with public?
  188. Are you shy?
  189. What makes you shy?
  190. If you´re hired, what are your expectations about this job?
  191. What does a flight attendament have to do?
  192. What´s a flight attendant´s job?
  193. What qualities must a flight attendant have?
  194. What´s necessary for one to become a good flight attendant?
  195. Do you like to travel?
  196. How often do you travel?
  197. Which cities do you know in Brazil?
  198. Which cities do you abroad?
  199. Which cities do you overseas? “ international – p/ exterior”
  200. How was your childhood?
  201. What was your childhood like?
  202. Tell me about your childhood?
  203. What did you like to do when you were a kid?
  204. What did you use to do when you were a child?
  205. Do you like children?
  206. Are you patient with children?
  207. Have you ever lost your temper with children?
  208. What happened exactly?
  209. Do you regret it?
  210. Can you drive?
  211. How long have you been driving?
  212. Do you have a car?
  213. What´s the maker of your car?
  214. Can you swim?
  215. So you know how to swim well?
  216. Have you ever saved anyone from drowning?
  217. When did you learn how to swim?
  218. What do you wish you did now?
  219. Where do you wish you were now? Why?
  220. What do you wish you could to tonight?
  221. What do you wish you had done yesterday?
  222. Where do you had worked in the past?
  223. Where do you wish you had been born? Why?
  224. Which country do you wish you could have studied in?
  225. Where do you wish you could have gone this morning?
  226. If you had time, what would you like to do more often?
  227. If you had money, what would like to do?
  228. What would you do, if you won a lot of money?
  229. Would you quit your job, if you won the sports lottery?
  230. If you were very rich, what would you do?
  231. If you had a wealthy family, how would you feel? “rico”
  232. Are you an ambitious person?
  233. What do think about ambitious people?
  234. What do you think about greedy people? “guloso/ganancioso”
  235. Is there any greedy in your family?
  236. Who do you have wash your clothes?
  237. Who do you have cook for you?
  238. Who do you get to help you with your housework?
  239. Who do you have help you solve your problems?
  240. Do you have many problems?
  241. Can you solve your problems alone?
  242. Can you work out your problems by yourself?
  243. Have you ever needed an analyst to help you with your problems?
  244. Are analysts important? Why?
  245. Must you work every day?
  246. Do you have to work every day?
  247. What have you had to do recently?
  248. Do you have to get up early morning? Why?
  249. How many showers must you take to feel good?
  250. Must you work on weekends?
  251. Do you like to work on weekends?
  252. Would you object to working on Saturdays and Sundays? Why?
  253. Would you mind working on weekends?
  254. Have you ever had to work on weekends?
  255. Are you a hard-working person?
  256. How many hours do you work a day?
  257. How many hours are you used to working a day?
  258. What should you do if you want to become a good flight attendant?
  259. What should you do if you want to work at TAM?
  260. What should you do in order to get rich?
  261. If you want to become famous, what should you do?
  262. When was the last you ate out?
  263. Where did you go?
  264. When was the last time you read a book?
  265. How long ago did you make up?
  266. How long ago did you have breakfast?
  267. How long ago did you get here?
  268. How long does is take you go get to work?
  269. How long does is take you to eat your meals?
  270. How long does is take you to get dressed?
  271. Does is take you long time to make decision?
  272. Does is take you a long time to make up your mind to do something?
  273. Do you have presence of mind?
  274. Why is it important to have presence of mind?
  275. If you hadn´t come here today, where would you have you gone?
  276. If you hadn´t come here today, what would you have done?
  277. If you hadn´t applied a job here, which airline would you have chosen?
  278. What´s your opinion about our country?
  279. What´s your opinion about our economy?
  280. Do you like our present (current) president?
  281. Are you a religious person?
  282. Do you consider yourself a religious person?
  283. Do you like to go to church?
  284. How often do you go to church?
  285. Which is your religion?
  286. What do you think about AIDS?
  287. Are you afraid of it?
  288. Do you smoke?
  289. How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
  290. Do you have any vice? Which is it?
  291. Do you like do drink?
  292. Which is your favorite, drink?
  293. Do you like alcoholic beverages?
  294. What are you good at?
  295. What at terrible at?
  296. Do you like do gamble?
  297. Do you consider yourself to be a gambler?
  298. Do you usually win or lose money?
  299. How do you feel when you win?
  300. How do you feel when you lose?
  301. What do you do when you lose money?
  302. Where do you usually gamble?
  303. Where do you usually go on weekends?
  304. Where do you spend most of your weekends?
  305. Where do most of your friends spend their weekends?
  306. What do you like to do on weekends?
  307. What did you do yesterday?
  308. What time did you make up today?
  309. Where did you spend last weekend?
  310. How long did it take you to get here today?
  311. How long did it take you to take a shower this morning?
  312. How long does it usually take you to get to work?
  313. How long does is take you to make up your mind to do something?
  314. What did you think the interview?


  1. A drunk passenger is disturbing the others. There are other empty seats. What would you do?
  2. Suppose the same thing happens, but there´s no empty seat? What would you do?
  3. The seat is broken and the passenger can´t move it. There no other free seat? What would you do?
  4. A passenger boards with his or her pet. What would you do?
  5. A passenger boards with a wrong-sized suitcase. What would you do?
  6. A dizzy (sick) passenger asks for help. What would you do?
  7. A passenger is afraid of turbulence. What would you do?
  8. A passenger eats and asks for a second helping, but there´s no extra food, what would you do?
  9. The same things happens, but there´s some food left. What would you do?
  10. You drop the tray with the meal over a passenger. What would you do?
  11. A passenger can´t eat any of the food on board. What would you do?
  12. A mother asks for baby food. What would you do?
  13. A mother asks for a feeding-bottle.  What would you do?  “mamadeira”
  14. A passenger takes the wrong seat. What would you do?
  15. Two passengers have the same seat number. What would you do?
  16. A passenger is sitting in the first class row with a tourist ticket. What would you do?
  17. A passenger is smoking in a non-smoking area. What would you do?
  18. You spilt water on a passenger. What would you do?
  19. You will have return, because the airport is closed. What would you say?
  20. In case of crash forced landing. What would you say?
  21. You have to give instructions in an emergency. What would you say?
  22. In case a doctor is required. What would you say?
  23. A passenger is standing where it´s no permitted. What would you do?
  24. A passenger is having an argument with another passenger. What would you do?
  25. A passenger complains about the food. What would you do?
  26. A passenger asks you to visit the cockpit. What would you do?
  27. A mother asks for a place to change her baby´s diaper. What would you do?
  28. A passenger vomits. What would you do?
  29. A passenger has a gun and points it at you. What would you do?
  30. A passenger with mental problems hits his neighbor. What would you do?
  31. A passenger is making a lot of noise and disturbing the others. What would you do?
  32. A passenger eats, puts the tray under the seat and falls asleep. What would you do?
  33. A passenger dies before the plain takes off. What would you do?
  34. A passenger dies during the flight. What would you do?
  35. A passenger wants something to read. What would you do?
  36. The plane is about to land and a passenger refuses to put out his cigarette. What would you do?
  37. The plane is having serious technical problems and it´s falling very fast. What would you do?


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