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Script interview Steve Carrel

Por:   •  13/10/2015  •  Ensaio  •  755 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  272 Visualizações

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Interview with Steve Carrel  - You tube video (Steve Carell Remembers The Crappy Jobs Of His Youth - CONAN on TBS)


Conan: Steve, we’re all so happy for you, such  talented nice person who had so much success. But I think it’s good to explore with people that have done so well and let young people know that ... what didn’t always go this well. For you struggled a little bit, you had some... you had some crappy jobs.

Steve: I did have some crappy Jobs. Yeah! One of my first Jobs.. I worked in the produce department of the supermarket  and I would .. one of my Jobs was to wrap fruit in plastic wrap. I was bad... pretty much I was bad at every aspect of the job. It was not...

Conan: It doesn’t  seem... I mean I’m not trying to be insulting, but it doesn’t sound like it could be that horrible. What was.. What was the problem?

Steven: Well, you... there was a hot plate and it would melt the ... underneath the wrap .. it would melt the plastic .. but I would put my hands on it and melt my hands like I’d burn my hands. I’have to also stock, stock the shelves and we .. in the produce section we stocked popcorn, among other things and .. I ... one I poked a hole in the bag of porcorn and the popcorn spilling out and I became Jerry Lewis.. “Oh, there’s the popcorn rain.... how do I stop the popcorn?”

Conan: A 900 lb bag of popcorn ..

Steven: It seem... yeah... to me it seemed that way so I took one of those... at that point you had the guns that put the know the price tag on it, and the stickers. So I fixed it with about 18 little price tags. And then my manager came by about na hour later to check my work. “Oh, what’s this?” and he pulled the sticker away and popcorn coming all over. “Oh, Mr. Davis.. I didn’t know .. it was ... I was Jerry Lewis.

Conan: Wow... you uh... Were you a telemarketer for a while?

Steve: I sold wine uh... by phone.

Conan: How do you sell wine over the phone?

Steven: Exactly! Hahahahah ...... You can’t do it.. and you had all of .. you know .. you had your cards, the varietal  characteristics of this ... you say things like ... oaky.. a lot... but

Conan: Buttery.

Steven: Buttery! Exactly. When in doubt you say . well it has a buttery sort of ... afterbirth. “What? What did you say?”

Conan: You’re a terrible telemarketer.

Steven: I... it was .. it was one day. It was one day of my life.

Conan: You know…people say this about you all the time, you get this, and I think is a double-edged sword or  I’m guessing it is that Steve Carell is such a nice guy, such a normal nice guy and  those a lot of the characters that he play and I would think it’s some point than is every get. Do you ever fantasize about, there are people  like Sean Penn, Jack Nichoulson who are known for being abrasive and so, I’ve actually seen those guys be kind of brusque with people and people love it. They can tell someone the  F-off and the person is like  wow


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