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Abstract The Book: Emil Fischer

Trabalho Escolar: Abstract The Book: Emil Fischer. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  29/10/2013  •  379 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  382 Visualizações

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Emil Fischer is a young schoolboy from Newton. He is traveled alone by train for the first time in his life to visit his grandmother in the city. He was taking the money for her from his mother and flowers for aunt. At the train he meets one fat lady and other lady that was sitting beside the man with the big nose. At the window next to Emil, was sitting one man with a black hat. The man with hat gave sweet to Emil and was started to telling stupid stories. The man with big nose said stop. The train stopped at big station. Emil and the man with hat were alone in train. The man was sleeping and Emil went the bathroom. He took the little bag out of his pocket and pushed out the pin it through the bag. But Emil fell asleep, when he agreed his money had disappeared. The train stopped at west station, Emil looked a man with hat in the crowd and followed. Emil is grandmother and his Polly were waiting for him at East Station.

The thief was in cafe and Emil was secret in a house, watching the thief. A boy appeared in house, he was Paul. He said that would help Emil. He called your friends, Captain, Little Tuesday and others boys. Little Tuesday would be the operator, Emil and the others boys followed the thief at the hotel. Then Paul and Emil was on hotel, while the others boys were for your houses. The following day a crowed of the boys was in front the hotel. When the thief left they made a circle around him. The thief entered on bank, Paul and Captain also entered. When the man with hat wanted change the money. The captain said: That money was stolen. Emil entered in bank and tell all your story. Emil proved that the money was your because had holes in the notes. The four reporters wrote everything story the Emil and the thief.

Emil was to house his grandmother. Emil is mother was worried about Emil. Then she was to in the city. When she read the newspaper felt very proud of her son. Emil earned a reward and made some tea for his family and friends.


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