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Book English: The rule is this . After all , music depends on good hearing

Por:   •  6/4/2016  •  Projeto de pesquisa  •  385 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  436 Visualizações

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The rule is this . After all , music depends on good hearing .

On the other hand, it is difficult to measure the importance of something. And for those who are at risk of losing the ability to hear music, the relationship you have with them changes a lot .

Today, my friend facebook Rosana Schoeps account as being a singer with hearing loss :

"I began to lose hearing the 20s and not realized. I was diagnosed with hearing loss due to a professional test and searched two experts who recommended me device. The third proposed me Stapedectomy surgery (not sure if this is the correct name). In two days I had the surgery in his right ear and he told me q in my case the chances of recovery would not be 100% only help to recover the social conviviality. The result was surprising and rapid recovery. I still have a marked loss in the left ear and the recommendation for future surgery or use of the device.

The loss in the left ear still feels in harmony. But my perception of the environment, due to the music helps me a lot. In music, I started singing in church with five years, learned guitar at age 10, I went up on stage for the first time Music Festival with 14, and also starting to teach music. I was a teacher in two major music schools in the region, participating in voice and instrument designs. After the loss and surgery I pulled away, I self lettered and hid, burying my gift, singing here and there very rarely. Only in 2002 started a blues work with Gabriel Ferreira called Cat's and Roll, which had me reading of Blues and guitar duo. But always with a certain detachment from palco.P ROBLEMS personal order so kept me. Last year I decided to break some paradigms participated in three major events, Festival Cambuci, Winter Festival of Paranapiacaba, Festival of French Song 2013. This year started as singer and guitarist in the band Paul Toth and the Lady's Blues Band, plus a work French music duo.

Take the limitation was very interesting, because in fact the great difficulty of others and not ours. Play as "vc deaf?" And I answered jokingly yes, even have a teflon prosthesis that will not stick never rsrs.


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