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Carta De Ottawa

Trabalho Escolar: Carta De Ottawa. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  27/4/2014  •  322 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  506 Visualizações

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11. Petersen A, Lupton D. The new public health: health and

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12. Rose N. Governing the soul: the shaping of the private

self. London (UK): Routledge; 1989.

13. Rawson D, Grigg C. Purpose and practice in health

education. London (UK): South Bank Polytechnic/HEA; 1988.

14. Rodmell S, Watt A. Conventional health education:

problems and possibilities. In: Rodmell S, Watt A, organizers.

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15. Crawford R. You are dangerous to your health: the ideology

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16. Torres GV, Enders BC. Atividades educativas na

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17. Naidoo J. Limits to individualism. In: Rodmell S, Watt A.

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18. Thorogood N. What is the relevance of sociology for health

promotion? In: Bunton R, Macdonald G. Health promotion:

disciplines and diversity. London (UK): Routledge; 1995.

19. Oliveira D. Adolescent Women Talk About HIV/AIDS

Risk: reconceptualizing risky sex - what implications for health

promotion? [thesis]. London (UK): University of London; 2001.

20. Illich I. Limits to medicine - medical nemesis: the

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21. Bunton R, Nettleton S, Burrows R. The sociology of health

promotion: critical analysis of consumption, lifestyle and risk.

London (UK): Routledge; 1995.

22. Freire P. Pedagogia do oprimido. São Paulo (SP): Paz e

Terra; 2001.

23. Beattie A, Gott M, Jones L, Sidell M. The changing

boundaries of health. In: Health & wellbeing: a reader. London

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24. Weare K. The contribution of education to health

promotion. In: Bunton R, Macdonald G. Health promotion:

disciplines and diversity. London (UK): Routledge; 1995.



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