Envie Presentes Para Obter Mais Opiniões!
Trabalho Escolar: Envie Presentes Para Obter Mais Opiniões!. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: morenaflor • 1/7/2013 • 394 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 270 Visualizações
English Proof
Name: ____________ Nº Date: / /2013 .
School Classe : 7º ano
1. Traduza as palavras em negrito:
Can you fly a kite?
Rosana and Rita are making plans for the weekend. Who makes the suggestions?
Rosana: Let`s do something on the weekend.
Rita: Ok. What for example?
Rosana: Uh… can you ride a bike?
Rita: No, I can`t.
Rosana: Can you fly a kite?
Rita: Yes, I can. And I can make a kite too.
Rosana: Good. Let`s make a kite together.
Rita: Good idea! When?
Rosana: How about Saturday morning?
Rita: Ok. At what time?
Rosana: How about nine o’clock?
Rita: Fine. Where? In my house?
Rosana: No, let`s meet at my place.
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
4. _____________________
5. _____________________
6. _____________________
7. _____________________
8. _____________________
9. _____________________
10. _____________________
2. Observe as palavras e complete segundo o texto:
a. Rita can’t ___________________.
b. Rita can __________________and ________________________.
c. They plan to meet at ________________________o’clock.
d. They plan to meet at __________________’s place.
3. Numere as colunas corretamente :
2. ride
3. make
• a horse
• basquetball
• a bike
• a kite
• popcorn
• checkers
• rope