Tese: IKEA. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: Filipa23 • 14/5/2014 • Tese • 433 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 397 Visualizações
Most of the time, beautiful designed home furnishings are created for the people who can afford them to pay a high price. The vision of IKEA is to create a better everyday life for many people. The business idea supports the vision by offering a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that many people as possible are able to afford them.That means that the concept is based on the costumers handling of its own ideas. The customer should use the IKEA catalogue and visit the store. They should choose the furniture and pick it up at the self-serve warehouse, because most of the items are packed up into a flat-pack, so small and lean as possible, so that people can carry their furniture away on their own.The consultations are mainly in high demands-areas as for example kitchen.The co-workers are in first place not to plan only to support the costumers. Picking up and delivering from the costumers is one reason of many reasons why IKEA can hold up their small prices.
3. Services
The concept of Ikea’s service is that the costumers do the main part of the shopping. IKEA offers only some few services, which make the shopping experience more comfortable. There are services in the store for the time of shopping and than services out of the store.
We start with the services in the store. Here we shall differentiate between the service for making a nice shopping-experience and the services for the buying process.
Starting with the first type of indoor service, we have to mention the different possibilities for children.
The main attraction is in every store the Småland for children till 10 years or the children paradise for children till 7 years. In front of the two possibilitiesis a cinema. All day long,movies are shown for children. The goal of bewaring of the children is that parents have time to look around and deciding in a relaxed atmosphere.
Secondly we have the service for the buying process. We have in every sector a service encounter. The service assistant gives assignments about the buying process. They will explain where the customer should pick the product up at the self-service warehouse or the warehouse. Furthermore they explain the possibilities for the transportation service. The payment-part includes mostly 20 cash desks and a self-service cash desk. The customer treatment should be as soon as possible.
The outdoorsservices of IKEA include the transportation service, the restaurant service, assembly-service and the installation service for which the people have to pay. Also the Kitchen and Office Planning service for free.