Ingles, Inc. portfólio de produtos
Artigo: Ingles, Inc. portfólio de produtos. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: maia45 • 15/3/2014 • Artigo • 247 Palavras (1 Páginas) • 547 Visualizações
Multinational or Global: What a Small World!1
The Mission
It was late afternoon and the CEO from English, Inc. had a meeting with the
Chairman of the Board. John Robertson is well known for his negotiation skills,
financial knowledge, and has been Chairman for 2 years now. Robert Johnson
is the newly appointed CEO and has received a very challengi mission to
The conversation took place after the Board Meeting and John and Robert
discussed the lack of stock appreciation since the IPO held 5 years ago. More
specifically, the Total Shareholder Return (TSR) at present value discounted by
the weighted average cost of capital of English, Inc. is negative and is stressing
the situation.
John told Robert that there is no alternative. He said, “the market still sees us
as a small, old fashioned, English multinational that is not profiting from the
advantages offered by globalization. Your mission, Robert, is to shift the
current market assessment so that our company is recognized as truly Global
and our stocks are appreciated in real terms.”
The Company
English, Inc. is a traditional company that has explored confectionaries since
1890 and started its expansion overseas in 1910. In addition, English, Inc.
decided to go for an IPO in 2001.
Today the company is present in 60 countries, owns 80 plants – at least one per
country. NOTE: Table I shows sales behavior for the last 5 years and Table II
shows EBTIDA for the same time period.
The product portfolio of English, Inc. for confectionary is composed of chewing
gum and candies. The company has the leadership position in chewing gum in
1 Developed