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Ingles No Brasil Precario.

Artigo: Ingles No Brasil Precario.. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  9/4/2013  •  273 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  650 Visualizações

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Enterprise Software Developer is running serious risks, the edge of collapse, due to the constant errors of management, which happen everyday in the processes of the company, suits unacceptable to large entrepreneurs and directors. By means of this document we will point out the major irregularities, observed by our consultants, through research carried out in this company. All of the collected data and reports from within the two month period, contains great knowledge on the issues that are inhibiting the growth of the company. Based on this information we cannot understand and assess the difficulties that occur simultaneously in the sectors of the same, thus being able to evaluate and fit a plan of action to recover the sustaining, in order to standardize the critical situations and in the future be able to grow up without worry. It was evident the importance of consulting with companies as a tool to aid in the management process, aiming at the development of competitive advantage, in order to remain on the market and achieve stability. Initially a bibliographic survey was carried out, of the major topics and concepts on the subject, being that through the same, it was possible to analyze aspects of the company. Therefore, based on current scenarios was possible additional improvements to the processes of the company, conducting a case study; were pointed out some suggestions and recommendations, with the purpose of helping us processes together with the company, such as: aid the administration, development of the physical structure and organizational and general analysis specifies in the IT field. The study classifies as descriptive, qualitative nature and according to the technical procedure used.


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