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Internal gamification

Artigo: Internal gamification. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  27/11/2014  •  Artigo  •  496 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  194 Visualizações

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This gamified system is addressed to the city employees (internal gamification) in order to make them healthier and decrease the amount of money invested by the government in health benefits. The mayor wants to have healthier employees, stimulating those people to do aerobic and muscle strengthening activities. The city aims to reduce the obesity rate which nowadays is the same if compared to the US average rate. I little improvement (3 to 5%) in the average physical fitness of the city employees would have a significant impact in the city annual health costs.

My idea involves three complimentary actions: a website, tools positioned around the city (to give feedback and motivate those employees to see the risks involved in being unhealthy and the benefits of being healthy) and a closing event (competition for fun).

I believe the intrinsic motivation (awareness) is the most effective for this scenario but the use of extrinsic motivators (rewards) would make the system more "game like". Both will be applied to draw interest and commitment.

• Website: the city employees will be invited to register in a cool website. Active users will accumulate "points" and they can get prizes every week (real gifts: bikes, running shoes, gym membership, etc). It would be a random selection by raffle. The user will be able to choose an avatar according to the sport of preference (Runner, Biker, Skater, Climber, etc) and accumulate badges depending on the activities done during the week. The employees also can create customized lists to compete with colleagues - how is my friend performing? How many points does he have? The website shows individual progression (points, badges, Kms, activities, sports practiced, etc). An iterative map will display parks and sport related places (shops, gyms) in order to help those employees to find the best or nearest location according to the sport of interest. Every week active users get a new badge (level up) to keep them engaged and motivated. Achievements, videos and photos can be shared on social medias.

• Tools around the city: In strategic streets and green areas (parks) will be placed outdoors with messages and images about the benefits of being healthy. There will be also some stands where the employees (and people in general) will be able to get stickers and folders explaining the city goal and its importance. Although it is not an action focused exclusively on the employees (internal), it makes the cause bigger and generate a buzz. Other people will be motivated to get in shape and it will stimulate the employees to keep it up. Some screens can show how far the targets are and what has already being achieved (total weight loss or money saved).

• Closing competition: after 4 weeks, the website active users will be invited to join a competition for free, just to have fun! Everyone will feel the experience of being an athlete. Finishers will get a medal and a t-shirt. It'll generate awareness and can create a habit, making them healthier and fitter.


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