List Of Verbs Which Take
Trabalho Escolar: List Of Verbs Which Take. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: • 18/11/2013 • 926 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 365 Visualizações
List of verbs which take "ing"
01. To admit - admitir (eg: He admitted stealing the bycicle)
02. To anticipate - prever, antever, antecipar (eg: We can surely anticipate having problems with the Labor Union (Sindicato) this year.
03. To appreciate - apreciar (eg: I appreciate her studying English very hard)
04. To avoid - evitar (eg: I usually avoid driving in SP at rush hour)
05. To consider - considerar, levar em consideração, refletir (eg: She is considering changing her job since the salary is too low)
06. To defer - adiar, procrastinar, retardar (eg: He deferred holding the meeting because many employees were not present)
07. To delay - demorar, tardar (eg: They delayed publishing the report until the end of the elections)
08. To deny - negar (eg: He strongly denies having participation in the robbery)
09. To detest - detestar (eg: She detests having to talk to people at parties because she is too shy)
10. To dislike - antipatizar, não gostar, ter aversão a (eg: He dislikes having to get up early every morning)
11. To dread - temer, ter pavor de, aterrorizar-se (eg: The boy dreaded having to meet his girlfriend's parents)
12. To enjoy - gostar, curtir, ter prazer em, (eg: I enjoy going to the movies every weekend)
13. To escape - escapar por um triz, livrar-se de, salvar-se de (eg: She escaped being run over by a car by inches)
14. To excuse - desculpar, escusar, perdoar (eg: He excused having to lie to his parents)
15. To fancy - (no sentido de "to imagine")- (eg: I don't fancy going out in such bad weather)
16. To finish - terminar, concluir, acabar (eg: She has finished doing her English homework and now can go to the movies)
17. To forgive - perdoar, relevar, absolver (eg: Please forgive my crashing your car)
18. To imagine - imaginar - (eg: I can't imagine living without my computer and internet)
19. To involve - envolver, implicar (eg: The work involves using a lot of your brain to get it done)
20. To keep (no sentido de "to continue") (eg: She kept smiling at him all through the night)
21. To loathe - detestar, odiar, abominar (eg: He loathes going to work early in the morning on a rainy and cold day)
22. To mind (no sentido de "to object") (eg: Do you mind opening the windows? it is too hot in here)
23. To miss - sentir saudade, desejar novamente / errar o alvo, falhar, por pouco, por um triz (eg: I don't miss watching that horror movie again) (eg: We narrowly missed being killed by the explosion)
24. To pardon - perdoar, absolver, pedir perdão por (eg: Pardon me interrupting but I think you are wrong!)
25. To postpone - adiar, transferir, postergar (eg: I had to postpone making such important decision since it was too serious)
26. To prevent - prevenir, evitar, impedir (eg: The bad weather prevented us from traveling to Arizona that summer)
27. To propose (no sentido de "to suggest") - sugerir, propor, (eg: I propose delaying our decision until the next meeting)
28. To recollect - recordar, lembrar-se de, vir à memória (eg: She always recollects playing with her cousins in the backyard of the house)
29. To remember (no sentido de "to recollect) - lembrar (eg: She remembers spending her vacation on the beach with her family every year)
30. To resent - ressentir-se, ofender-se (eg: I resent depending on his permission for everything I do)
31. To resist - resistir, opor resistência (eg: I couldn't resist telling her the secret)
32. To risk - arriscar, aventurar, correr o risco, pôr em risco (eg: He risked losing his job when he openly criticized the company)
33. To save (no sentido de "save yourself the trouble of) - (eg: If you pay me now, you will save me going to the bank for cash)
34. To stop - parar, suspender, interromper, (eg: He stopped smoking as soon as his doctor advised him of his lung complications)
35. To suggest - sugerir, lembrar, propor, insinuar, dar a entender (eg: I suggest leaving now because the weather conditions are getting worse)
36. To understand - entender (eg: I can't understand his leaving his wife, they seemed to have a perfect marriage!)
Abaixo mais alguns exemplos, incluindo exemplos com preposições, para fortalecer o conhecimento desse assunto:
I admit losing the combination to the safe.
I advise finding a good lawyer.
I don't anticipate waiting very much longer.
I appreciate hearing a good joke.
I avoid flying as much as I can.
Would you consider selling your share of the company?
We will delay signing an agreement.
I deny saying that.
We must discuss hiring more people.
I dislike eating alone.
I enjoy talking with new people.
I fear losing his confidence.
When I finish typing this, I'll help you.
I gave up explaining my position to them.
I often go dancing.
I can't help thinking that we could have done better.
I can't imagine spending that much money.
Business trips involve waiting in airports and staying in hotels.
They keep saying that, but they don't do anything about it.
Did I mention seeing him yesterday?
I don't mind working on the weekend.
I will miss seeing you around.
They postponed starting construction until next year.
You should practice using set phrases.
I quit smoking six years ago.
I recall meeting him a long time ago.
I don't recollect being there.
I recommend having the New York steak.
I resent having to sign in each morning.
I couldn't resist telling them.
We should not risk losing their trust.
I hope they stop making so much noise so I can get some sleep.
He suggested starting my own agency.
They won't tolerate trading insider information.