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Por:   •  8/9/2021  •  Abstract  •  633 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  227 Visualizações

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Vitoria Sanches Personal Statement Sao Paulo, March, 2019 Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci Office of Masters Admissions Dear Sir/Madam, “All art really does is keep you focused on questions of humanity.” David Bowie shared this thought in an interview, and it really got me thinking about how having a humane gesture towards the world can be considered a form of art. That is because it requires dedication, patience and enthusiasm. Through technology, I have found a way to contribute to society and it has become my art. I have attended the Senac University Center in São Paulo for 3 years, which is one of the greatest academic and technological centers in Brazil. Enrolled at the Information Technology Management course, I have encountered teachers that are integrated in the business market who provide students with real experiences, guiding the students to the most up-to-date techniques regarding information technologic management, information analysis and data management. One of my biggest achievements was getting the highest grade in my conclusion paper “Integrated Project V: Implementation of Models of Governance in Information Technology”, where I earned the grade 10 out of 10, I presented an information technology management project oriented towards Green IT. I chose this theme as a result of believing this to be a matter of extreme significance to society, as it raises critical thought when it comes to raw material's consumption, energy production, and sustainability. Therefore, I was able to understand the role of technology in fighting the unbridled devastation of our resources, along with how to align conservation techniques and promote higher waste management technological processes. Outside university, I was lucky to work for big multinationals, such as the French ATOS, the English Deloitte, and the Indian Tata (TCS), where I currently work as a Senior Leader in a team of consultants and analysts that develop highly critical systems. Having contact with clients and suppliers from the United States, France, German, and India also offered me enriching experiences that allowed me to understand different ways to manage technology in diverse levels of criticality. I also understood and absorbed another degree of organization and governance practices, as well as solving problems techniques and Vitoria Sanches Personal Statement methodologies to avoid systemic instabilities and non-compliance to an organizational level. Those experiences enabled me to understand the behavioral skills from colleagues located across the globe. Boosted by technological certifications such as ITIL, ISO 20000 and Professional Scrum Master, I was part of systems development teams that supported big clients. Those activities taught me way beyond technical knowledge in systems’ analysis but also considerable skills in the management of risks and criticality. Being part of those crews that supported companies like Siemens, General Electric and Nokia. All of them are protagonists in energy production, as well as produce devices that assist with the diagnosis of disease and bring high quality of life to so many people all over the world, made me understand the importance of technology and how developing new resources through information technology can change the world. I strongly believe that the MSc Innovation Management & Strategy at Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci will enable me to develop high complexity projects and achieve international experiences in my playing field, reinforcing my strengths so as to attain my goals. The subjects offered in this program are specifically in line with my professional goals. I believe I will be of great contribution for my master's colleagues, since my skills in services and deliver's projects, human and economic resource could instigate debates. To attend a professional master’s degree abroad in a widely recognized university like Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci is of extreme importance to me, which will ultimately enable me to contribute to teams more effectively based on what I learn at your institution. Yours faithfully, Vitoria Sanches


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