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O Modelo Carta Motivacional

Por:   •  21/4/2021  •  Artigo  •  344 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  269 Visualizações

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January 12, 2021

KIYO Brazil

RE: Program Coordinator

Dear Hiring Manager,

My name is Amanda Hollanda de Souza, I am 27 years old and I would like to express my interest in the Program Coordinator position. I am a self-motivated and progress-driven person. I believe I meet the essential criteria for the role and feel I can make an effective and immediate contribution to KIYO Brazil.

I was born and raised in a region of Rio de Janeiro State, which is called Baixada Fluminense. Despite growing up in a middle class family with all the structures to develop myself, I could know other realities in my own neighborhood, that children and youth didn't have the same structures and couldn't develop themselves like I was able to do. Knowing the social context that children and youth are in Brazil, I really believe that it is necessary to help them by protecting their fundamentals rights, develop theirs skills, abilities, and empowering them to take charge of their lives.

I handled various responsibilities in my previous positions and quickly established talents to perform multi tasks simultaneously, meeting deadlines and finding solutions to eliminate obstacles. I have effective communication skills and the motivation to take on challenging work.

My career has enabled me to develop and establish skills in such key areas: administrative and financial routines and team mangement. With my ability to learn, I know I can quickly close any knowledge gaps to become an asset to the team.

In addition to my professional skills, I can say that I know the social context and areas of social vulnerability where KIYO Brasil operates. I understand that this position requires an empathic look at the partners and the children and young people assisted by the projects. I can assure you that whenever necessary I will be present on the visits to the projects, with an open heart and mind to guarantee the fulfillment of the mission to empower young people.

I've attached my resume with additional details of my work experience and qualifications. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Amanda Hollanda De Souza


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