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O que é Ética e Ética Organizacional

Trabalho acadêmico: O que é Ética e Ética Organizacional. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  4/9/2014  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  1.057 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  309 Visualizações

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The constant and rapid changes in technology and the challenges that organizations face as they are demanding of them more than trained employees. The search for expertise and skills developed in search of a company that has tuned into their organizational strategies. The work ethic in very stable, because every company has a different ethical one another, as we shall see in this work, which would be “Ethics”, “Organizational Ethics”, difference between “Ethics and Morals”, codes and ethics focused to quality and enhancement of internal and external customers.

The work also relates how the management can identify potential skills of professionals in organizations, improving team performance and work quality of employees and their superiors, serving as a stimulus to efforts to achieve the goals of employees and the organization.

Key-word: Competence - Performance - Ethics - Ability


1. Introdução...................................................................................................5

2. Ética Profissional..........................................................................................6

2.1 - O que é Ética e Ética Organizacional............................................................6

2.2 - Diferença de Ética de Moral......................................................................6

2.3 - Código de Ética do Administrador.............................................................6

2.4 - Pontos essenciais de um modelo que preserve a Ética....................................7

3. Idéias de Motivação e Inovação dentro da equipe..............................................7

4. Plano de Ação..............................................................................................8

5. Considerações Finais...................................................................................9

6. Referências Bibliográficas..........................................................................10


The constant and rapid changes in technology and the challenges that organizations face as they are demanding of them more than trained employees. The search for expertise and skills developed in search of a company that has tuned into their organizational strategies. The work ethic in very stable, because every company has a different ethical one another, as we shall see in this work, which would be “Ethics”, “Organizational Ethics”, difference between “Ethics and Morals”, codes and ethics focused to quality and enhancement of internal and external customers.

The work also relates how the management can identify potential skills of professionals in organizations, improving team performance and work quality of employees and their superiors, serving as a stimulus to efforts to achieve the goals of employees and the organization.

Key-word: Competence - Performance - Ethics - Ability


1. Introdução...................................................................................................5

2. Ética Profissional..........................................................................................6

2.1 - O que é Ética e Ética Organizacional............................................................6

2.2 - Diferença de Ética de Moral......................................................................6

2.3 - Código de Ética do Administrador.............................................................6

2.4 - Pontos essenciais de um modelo que preserve a Ética....................................7

3. Idéias de Motivação e Inovação dentro da equipe..............................................7

4. Plano de Ação..............................................................................................8

5. Considerações Finais...................................................................................9

6. Referências Bibliográficas..........................................................................10


The constant and rapid changes in technology and the challenges that organizations face as they are demanding of them more than trained employees. The search for expertise and skills developed in search of a company that has tuned into their organizational strategies. The work ethic in very stable, because every company has a different ethical one another, as we shall see in this work, which would be “Ethics”, “Organizational Ethics”, difference between “Ethics and Morals”, codes and ethics focused to quality and enhancement of internal and external customers.

The work also relates how the management can identify potential skills of professionals in organizations, improving team performance and work quality of employees and their superiors, serving as a stimulus to efforts to achieve the goals of employees and the organization.

Key-word: Competence - Performance - Ethics - Ability


1. Introdução...................................................................................................5

2. Ética Profissional..........................................................................................6

2.1 - O que é Ética e Ética Organizacional............................................................6

2.2 - Diferença


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