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Supplier_Anexo V

Pesquisas Acadêmicas: Supplier_Anexo V. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  12/5/2014  •  6.455 Palavras (26 Páginas)  •  406 Visualizações

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NOTE 1: The installation of the equipment referred to below shall be required, if requested in ADDENDUM B – VESSEL’S REQUIREMENTS.

NOTE 2: The measures related to the operating license of radio-communication equipment with the proper governmental body are under CONTRACTORS’ responsibility.

1. Method of transmitting sound via electromagnetic waves

1.1. 01 (one) transceiver within the HF/SSB range with power equal to 100W, authorized by a proper governmental body for rig operation, connections between this and the coastal guard of the support base and support vessels, equipped with the following frequencies of the Maritime Mobile Service:


simplex 2,182 KHz 2,182 KHz

simplex 2,638 KHz 2,638 KHz

simplex 4,125 Khz 4,125 Khz

semi-duplex 4,116 KHz 4,408 KHz

semi-duplex 8,246 KHz 8,770 KHz

semi-duplex 12,281 KHz 13,128 Khz

1.2. 01 (one) transceiver within the VHF range, with PEP power of 25 w, with reduction capacity to 1w, equipped with frequencies for simplex operation of the Maritime Mobile Service, authorized by the proper governmental body for rig’s operation, drill ship and support vessels, for operation in the following simplex frequencies:


06 156.30 MHz

09 156.45 MHz

11 156.55 MHZ

13 156.65 MHz

14 156.70 MHZ

16 156.80 Mhz


2.1. 01 (one) Equipment of the Maritime Terminal RADIOTELEX System comprised of:

- Compact version of radiotelex modem (maritime);

- Compact maritime version of a video terminal, comprised of an intelligent keyboard and 12" monochromatic video monitor;

- 230 VAC Maritime power source for maritime modem;

-Parallel printer (Centronics standard), 80 columns, with horizontal support for feeding paper in rolls, being this optional.

- Radiotelex-associated transceiver that must operate in the following frequencies:


4,173 KHz 4,211 KHz

4,177 KHz 4,215 KHz

4,181.5 KHz 4,219 KHz

8,377 KHz 8,417.0 KHz

8,381 KHz 8,421 KHz

8,385.5 KHz 8,425.5 KHz


3.1. DGNSS

3.1.1. 1 (one) GPS / GLONASS receiver, LI or L1/L2 and 01 (one) demodulator of differential correction signs by satellite in the RTCM standard, with the following characteristics: GNSS Receiver: Have at least 12 reception channels of GNSS signs; Receive differential corrections in the RTCM SC104 standard by at least two other satellites; Have a position updating rate equal or superior to 1 Hz; Have a data outlet pursuant to the NMEA-0183 standard (GGA, ZDA, GSV and GLL) with rate equal or superior to 1 Hz, by serial gate RS-232; Make available serial cables for data communication between receiver and computer (connector DB9-F); Have ability to operate in the survey or DP (Dynamic Positioning) mode; Allow the configuration, edition and creation of datum, ellipsoid and coordinate system; Allow the configuration of the data export rate; Have a data filter to minimize the multi-way effect; Have user’s manuals, either in hard copy and/or digital media. Demodulator of correction signs by satellite: Use at least two different communication satellite systems allowing corrections for the GPS and GLONASS systems; Have availability of use within PETROBRAS’ offshore service areas, throughout the Brazilian coast; Allow sub metric horizontal differential accuracy with correction by the holding phase in real time;

3.1.2. 01 (one) receiver of Navy’s Radio Beacon with automatic search of the MRB sign (Marine Radio Beacon) in compliance with IALA standard (International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities).

3.1.3. 02 (two) radios/communication modems operating within the frequency range of 450 to 470 MHz, with protocol consistent with PETROBRAS’ Differential Correction Network, which operates with radios of Pacific Crest makes, models PDL HPB (High Power Base) and PDL Rover model 4500 (reception), with; Data cables, independent power supplies and adjustment software with operation manual; Configuration to operate in the frequencies:

Channel Frequency

(MHz) Channel Frequency

(MHz) Channel Frequency

(MHz) Channel Frequency.


00 464,2750 04 464,2500 08 464,9750 12 465,1250

01 464,4500 05 464,5000 09 465,0125

02 464,9000 06 464,4000 10 465,0500

03 464,1750 07 464,8000 11 465,0875 Two communication antennas of the radio systems, one for each radio, which shall be unidirectional and have the following characteristics: Capacity to operate within the frequency range of 450 to 470 MHz; Minimum gain of 8dB; Power of 250 W / VSWR < 1.5:1; N-type Connector (female); Radome made of fiber glass; Aluminum Base; Fastening accessories in stainless steel.

3.1.4. 01 (one) navigation software HYDROPro of Trimble Navigation, version 2.3 or latest version. The set-up discs, as well as manuals and catalogues, shall mandatorily be kept in the maritime unit or vessel throughout the contractual term;

3.1.5. 01 (one) computer and other accessories with the following characteristics: Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate (1); Microsoft Office Professional 2007 or latest version; Processor Core 2 Duo of 2.0 GHz or higher; 2 Gb RAM Memory or higher; 160 Gb HD, IDE standard; 3.5” FDD Unit; CD-ROM driver: CD-RW with speed of 52X or higher; DVD Driver: DVD-RW; 02 RS-232 serial gates (COM1 and COM2); 02 USB front gates, type A; 04 rear USB gates; Multi-serial board with 8 RS-232 gates; 01 gate for connection of a second SVGA monitor; 3-buttom Optical mouse (USB); ABNT2 Multimedia PS2 Keyboard; Memory card reader: 15 in 1; Video board: GForce TI 8800 GT/XFX or 9600 GT 512 MB; 03 (three) 17” LCD SVGA monitors, (being one for system operator and two for replication of navigation screens for bow and stern); 01 (one) video splitter (three outlets) to replicate the navigation table of HYDROPro for bow and stern screens.

(1) For the latest version of Hydro (v. 2.32), Trimble recommends Windows XP Professional or Windows Vista Ultimate. Windows 95, 98, Me, XP Home or Vista Home are not recommended. For the HYDROPro versions before 2.32, it is not recommended the use of any edition of Windows Vista.

3.1.6. A ink-jet printer (color and black) with paper supply and withdrawal accomplished preferably by the front side;

3.1.7. No-break with power equal to 1.3 KVA and minimum autonomy of 15 minutes;

3.1.8. A gyroscopic compass with digital data outlet pursuant to the NMEA $HEHDT standard. If the compass already have a VRU that provides pitch digital outlets, roll, yaw, heave and sway, the next item may be optional;

3.1.9. An attitude detector (VRU - Vertical Reference Unit) to correct pitch, roll, yaw, heave and sway;

3.2. SPI

3.2.1. 02 (two) UHF transceivers (modem-radio) with RF power of 35 W with communication protocol consistent with DGNSS Network of PETROBRAS, which operates with equipment of make Pacific Crest, model PDL HPB (High Power Base) with power source, connection cables and set with the following frequencies:

Channel Frequency

(MHz) Channel Frequency

(MHz) Channel Frequency

(MHz) Channel Frequency.


00 464,2750 04 464,2500 08 464,9750 12 465,1250

01 464,4500 05 464,5000 09 465,0125

02 464,9000 06 464,4000 10 465,0500

03 464,1750 07 464,8000 11 465,0875

The transceivers shall be provided with antenna with a minimum gain of 7 dBi installed at locals clear of obstacles and connected by a coaxial cable to the radio-frequency connector of equipment.

The transceivers shall be made available in the following configuration:

• Serial gate set at 9600 bps, 8 bits of data, 1 bit of parade, no parity and no flow control;

• Set in a way the supply, reception and transmission indexes are visible.

This equipment is for the exclusive use of the SPI Integrated Positioning System: one for the transmission and receipt of positioning information and for heading the vessel, and the other one for the transmission of positioning data of ROV during operations;

3.2.2. All connectors of the data cable of equipment referred to under items 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.8, 3.1.9 and 3.2.1 shall be RS-232, type DB9-F (female), getting to the installation local of the computer provided for under item 3.1.5.

3.2.3. In order to avoid vessel’s down time, it is recommended the existence of a CPU back up provided for under item 3.1.5 and radio / supply source, provided for under item 3.2.1.

Note: The equipment provided for under items 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.5, 3.1,6, 3.1.7, 3.1.8 and 3.1.9 shall be shared between the DGNSS and SPI systems.

3.3. Equipment updating:

3.3.1. CONTRACTOR shall warrant the technological update of the computer and /or its components for a 2-year maximum term, as well as to perform its preventive / corrective maintenance. PETROBRAS, pursuant to the operational requirement, may request the decrease of this time range, but it shall always be informed about any updating plans;

3.3.2. The navigation and SPI equipment shall be provided with a no-break system, with minimum power characteristics required of 1.3 KVA and minimum autonomy for 15 minutes;

3.3.3. CONTRACTOR shall provide the update of the software and firmware versions of all equipment for the latest configuration made available by the provider.


4.1. 01 (one) UHF transceiver (modern-radio) with RF power of 35 W with communication protocol consistent with DGNSS Network of PETROBRAS, which operates with equipment of make Pacific Crest, model PDL HPB (High Power Base) with power source, connection cables and set with the following frequencies:

Channel Frequency

(MHz) Channel Frequency

(MHz) Channel Frequency

(MHz) Channel Frequency.


00 464,2750 04 464,2500 08 464,9750 12 465,1250

01 464,4500 05 464,5000 09 465,0125

02 464,9000 06 464,4000 10 465,0500

03 464,1750 07 464,8000 11 465,0875

The transceivers shall be provided with antenna with a minimum gain of 7 dBi installed at locals clear of obstacles and connected by a coaxial cable to the radio-frequency connector of equipment.

The transceivers shall be made available in the following configuration:

4.1.1. Tuned in channel 08 corresponding to a frequency of 464,975 MHz;

4.1.2. Selected at a transmission power of 35W;

4.1.3. Serial gate configured at 9600 bps, 8 bits of data, 1 bit of parade, no parity and no flow control;

4.1.4. Serial gate connected to a serial gate COM2 of PC, which is also specified in this item, using proper cable and complying with a minimum distance of 15 meters between transceiver and PC;

4.1.5. Set in a way the supply, reception and transmission indexes are visible.

This transceiver shall be exclusively used for the transmission of vessel’s position and will be independent of any equipment used to receive differential corrections.

4.2. 01 (one) GPS receiver with reception of the C/A code, with antenna installed at a local free of obstacles.

The GPS receiver shall be made available in the following configuration:

4.2.1. Serial gate configured to send sign NMEA GPGGA with 1 second term;

4.2.2. Serial gate set at 9600 bps, 8 bits of data, 1 bit of parade, no parity and no flow control;

4.2.3. Serial gate connected to serial gate COM1 of PC, which is also specified in this item, using the cable provided with receiver.

4.3. 01 (one) computer with the following characteristics:

4.3.1. Operating system Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate;

4.3.2. Microsoft Office Professional 2007 or latest version;

4.3.3. Processor Core 2 Duo de 2,0 GHz or higher;

4.3.4. 2Gb RAM memory or higher;

4.3.5. 3.5” FDD Unit;

4.3.6. CD-ROM driver: CD-RW with speed of 52X or higher;

4.3.7. DVD Driver: DVD-RW;

4.3.8. 02 RS-232 serial gates (COM1 and COM2) for use of reception and transmission of the vessels’ position, set up in a way consistent with the gates of the UHF transceiver and GPS receiver.

4.3.9. 02 USB front gates, type A;

4.3.10 04 rear USB gates;

4.3.11 1 Multi-serial board with 8 RS-232 gates;

4.3.12 01 gate for connection of a second SVGA monitor;

4.3.13 3-buttom Optical mouse (USB);

4.3.14 ABNT2 Multimedia PS2 Keyboard;

4.3.15 Memory card reader: 15 in 1;

4.3.16. Video board: GForce TI 8800 GT/XFX or 9600 GT 512 MB;

4.3.17 01 (one) 17” LCD SVGA monitor;

Note: CONTRACTOR shall perform the preventive / corrective maintenance. The set-up software of UHF transceiver that is provided by the manufacturer together with the transceiver, must be installed in this PC. The application NavGPS, provided by PETROBRAS, and it may also be installed by E&P-SERV/US-SUB/GDS upon the acceptance of the vessel / maritime unit.

4.4. No-break – providing AC power to UHF transceiver, to PC and GPS receiver with minimum characteristics required with 1.3 KVA power and minimum autonomy for 15 minutes;

4.5. CONTRACTOR shall provide the update of the software and firmware versions of all equipment for the latest configuration made available by the provider;

4.6. CONTRACTOR shall warrant the technological update of the computer and /or its components for a 2-year maximum term, as well as to perform its preventive / corrective maintenance. PETROBRAS, pursuant to the operational requirement, may request the decrease of this time range, but it shall always be informed about any updating plans;

4.7. CONTRACTOR shall keep the operation system ensuring the proper operation of equipment;

4.8. All radio-communication equipment, as well as its antennas, shall have a homologation certificate issued by ANATEL valid on the day it starts operating.


5.1. All equipment must be made available in a bench / shelf so as to allow their use / viewing by the technicians responsible for positioning the maritime unit or vessel;

5.2. The computer shall be at a place proper for use, that is, at the catwalk, walkway on a desk with a chair provided with arms, in accordance with the ergonometric recommendations of the HSE. The suggested position is the one that can be easily accessed by technicians, but that is free of access corridors.

5.3. The environment must be refrigerated so as to provide comfort to technicians and, also, protect the equipment from heat and humidity;

5.4. There shall be installed a VHF maritime radio next to the SPI/DGNSS positioning computer for use during the displacement of the maritime unit or vessel.


This item must submit the details of the technical solution for installing equipment to provide voice communication of data by satellite.

The purchase, installation, initial set-up, alignment, commissioning and acceptance tests are required from CONTRACTOR, except as if otherwise expressly described. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for integrating the equipment in this chapter, so as to allow the access of data, voice and image of the vessel. The satellite link for this system shall be provided by PETROBRAS.

CONTRACTOR shall submit a spreadsheet with a list of tests for the acceptance of the system, which shall be analyzed and commented by PETROBRAS.

CONTRACTOR shall submit the schemes with the installation project of the equipment for the prior analysis and approval of PETROBRAS’ inspection, which may request amendments and/or revisions in the project or in the infrastructure to be installed.

CONTRACTOR is responsible for the completion and remittance to PETROBRAS of the required forms of the National Telecommunication Agency (ANATEL), for compliance with applicable law.

CONTRACTOR shall provide the radiometric reports (Compliance reports) in accordance with Resolution No. 303/2002 of ANATEL.

The equipment must be certified or homologated by ANATEL and comply with the applicable rules in force, inclusively Resolution No. 303/2002 of ANATEL.

The system to be provided shall have a minimum availability of 99.5% per year.

CONTRACTOR shall provide a system for the remote access with automatic coding to the interface of the consoles of the following equipment: IDU, ROUTER AND SWITCH.

Note: The equipment listed below shall be exclusively used by Petrobras.



• Antenna reflector with stabilization;

• Feeder, filter and LNA;

• Base;

• Radome;

• Air conditioning, if it is required to support the critical temperature conditions at the installed sites.


• Antenna Controlling Unit (ACU) with access for the remote management by IP through an Ethernet gate inside the Radome.

• IDU Plataform.



• Diameter (D): Min. 1.0 meter.

• TX Cross Polarization: Higher than -30 dB at 14.25 GHz.

• RX Gain: Higher than 39.5 dBi at 11.85 GHz.

• TX Gain: Higher than 41 dBi at 14.25 GHz.


• Transmission Frequency: 13.75 to 14.5 ghz, Ku Band.

• Reception Frequency: 10.95 to 12.75 ghz, Ku Band. – Standard Band.

• Polarization: Linear.

• LNB: PLL Technology with stability of the local oscillator equal or superior to +/- 50kHz.

• Reception G/T: Better than 18 dB/K.


• Inlet frequency: 950 to 1450MHz

• Inlet impedance: 75 Ohms

• Outlet frequency: 14 to 14,5 GHz

• Outlet power: minimum 4Watts.

• OL Frequency: 13.050 MHz

• Inlet Voltage: minimum 16 Volts.

• Sign inlet terminal: Type F.

• The BUC shall generate its reference frequency internally.


Acceptable movement range:

• Lift -20 to 95 degrees.

• Polarization adjustment range: automatic with variation of +/- 30 degrees.

• Unlimited and uninterrupted Azimuth.

6.2.6. RADOME

• Maximum diameter: 2.1 m

• Material: Composition - Fiber

• RF Attenuation: 1.5 dB @ 10.7-12.75 GHz, 1.5 dB @ 14.0-14.5 GHz.

6.2.6. If the vessel is not provided with a GYRO-COMPASS that can be integrated to the provided system, there must be included a GYRO-COMPASS consistent with the system that is the object of this Technical Specification.

6.2.7. GPS included and consistent with the system of this Technical Specification.

6.2.8. The functionality of the Detection of the Carrier (Carrier Detect) shall be mandatorily implemented by the use of a serial interface between BDU of the stabilized antenna and the IDU, SkyEdge platform.




• Temperature: From 0 up to 40 C°.

• Humidity: Up to 100% , 40 C°.


• FI Transmission: RGC 11 Cable with Female connector, without using any further amplification device.

• FI Reception: RGC 11 Cable with Female connector, without using any further amplification device.


• Type: Multi-conductive, armored.

• Number of conduits: 04 conduits.

• Diameter: 24 AWG or higher.


• There shall be provided cables of 3 conduits (dual phase and 1 earth) with 1.5 mm gauge and proper for the marine environment.


• Type: Multi-conductive, Armored.

• Number of conduits: 04 conduits for Step-By-Step Gyro, 5 Conduits for Synchro.

• Diameter: 18 AWG.

• Isolation: 600 VAC.


• The Controlling Unit shall make an Alarm Log available.



• Inbound Transmission Rate: Up to 2 Mbps

• Outbound Transmission Rate: 340 Kbps up to 62 Mbps

• Modulator outlet: 950 to 1525 Mhz IF

• Type of Modulation (Inbound ): GMSK

• Number of conduits: 04 conduits ( outbound ): QPSK, QPSK-Turbo, 8PSK-Turbo

• FEC:Turbo Coding 3/4, 7/8

• Demodulator inlet: 950 to 1700 Mhz IF

• Operating Voltage: 100 to 240 VAC (auto-range)

• Power: Less than 20 W

• Operating temperature: 0°C to +50°C

• Dimensions:180mm x 190mm x 54mm

• RF Connector: 2 female connectors, 75 ohm

• Electric interface of LAN: IEEE 802.3 10/100BaseT Ethernet

• Physical interface of LAN: RJ-45

• Data electric specification: RS-232

• Physical specification of console gate: DB-9

• Expansion card: 02 2W – FXS Cards


• VPN:1PSec DES or AES-128 encryption: EMC/EMI: ETSI EN 301 489-1, ETSI EN 301 489-12, ETSI EN 300 386, AS/

• NZS CISPR22:04, FCC CFR 47 Part 15 Subpart B, ICES-003, VCCI, V¬3/2001.04

• Routing: RIP, DHCP, NAT/PAT, IGMP, ACL, VLAN: RF Spectrum: EN 301-428 , CE 0682

• Traffic Engineering, IP prioritization, QoS DiffServ: WEEE/RoHS

• Security: 1EC 60950-1, UL/EN 60950-1, AS/NZS3548, c-TUV-us, GS Mark, CB: TVRO Standard

6.4. Minimum characteristics for Switches:

• Have 24 10/100 Ethernet interfaces, with PoE, and two interfaces of uplink 1000BASE-TX UTP RJ45;

• Maximum consumption of 500W.

• They must support standards: IEEE 802.3, 10BaseT, IEEE 802.3u, 100 Base-TX, IEEE 802.3z, 1000 BaseT, IEEE 802.1q, IEEE 802.1d, IEEE 802.1p, IEEE 802.1w, IEEE 802.1x, 802.3af;

• 13 Gbps switching fabric

• Minimum throughput of 6.0 Mbps (64 kB packs)

• 8000 MAC tables

• Minimum MTBF: 240,000 hours

• It must support at least the following physical media: RJ45 and console DB9 or RS-232;

• MIB Support, at least the following: RFC 1190, RFC 1213, RFC 1354, RFC 1493, RFC1573, RFC 1595, RFC 2515, RFC 1757;

• Management Support: SNMP, WebView, Telnet, SSH;

• Operating Temperature: +5 to + 45 degrees Centigrade;

• Support to "multicast": RFC 2236, RFC 2362, RFC 2934;

• Support to QoS and multiservice such as voice and video in real time. Support to Spanning-tree and capacity for up to 255 VLANs.

• 120-240Vac power supply by power cable (50-60Hz)

6.5. Routers


• C1SCO2821-AC-IP: 2821 w/ AC+POE,2GE,4HWIC,3PVDM, INME-X,2AIM,IP BASE,64F/256D


• PVDM2-8: 8-Channel Packet Voice/Fax DSP Module

• HWIC-4ESW: Four port 10/100 Ethernet switch interface card

• HWIC-4T: 4-Port Serial HWIC

• VIC-4FXS/DID: 4 port FXS or DID VIC

• AIM-VPN/EPII-PLUS: DES/3DES/AES VPN Encryption/Compression

• CAB-SS-V35FC: V.35 Cable, DCE Female to Smart Serial, 10 Feet

• PWR-2821-51-AC-IP: Cisco 2821/51 AC/IP power supply

• CAB-AC: Power Cord, 110V

• MEM2800-256D-INC: 256MB DDR DRAM Memory factory default for the Cisco 2800

• MEM2800-64CF-INC: 64MB CF default for Cisco 2800 Series

6.5.2. There shall be included a kit for installation in a 19” rack and support and maintenance modality and eventual hardware or software trace in the 8x5 Next Business Day modality, for each of the items referred to under items 6.5 through 6.6.

6.5.3. CONTRACTOR shall perform the due configurations in the planned equipment for actuation inside the topology of PETROBRAS’ network, in order to allow the voice and data communication to the Corporate Network.

6.5.4. SNMP specific requirements, standardization of traffic profiles inside QoS topology, access codes, etc., shall be accomplished by PETROBRAS, being CONTRACTOR solely responsible for the configuration in order to allow PETROBRAS’ voice and data access to the network.

6.5.5. CONTRACTOR shall prepare the entire documentation of the Executive Project and As-built, upon the delivery of the vessel to PETROBRAS.


6.6.1. There shall be used UTP cable, category 6, 24 AWG x 4p, in compliance with rule ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B version 2.1 or higher, classified with regard to flammability as LSZH (Low Smoking Zone Halogen). As applicable, the cables must be installed pursuant to the recommendations of rule ANSI/TIA/EIA 569-A, in addition to others. The points to be made available in the work areas must comply with the connection standard T568A.

6.6.2. In case cable trays are used to pass cables, they must be earthed in compliance with rules ANSI/TIA/EIA 607 and NBR-5419, as applicable, in addition to others that are deemed necessary.,

6.6.3. Some items that must make integral part of the scope of supply: Cabling CAT6 LSZH (total 10 points of data network);

The cabling must be connected to the Patch Panel CAT6 with 24 gates (1U), which must be placed on the same Rack in the telecommunications room.

All accessories required to install the cabling CAT6 shall be forecasted in the project and provided by CONTRACTOR.

All cables must be identified at both ends, using polyester labels that shall be mechanically pressed in a indelible manner. Accordingly, all other network elements provided, such as Patch Panel, Patch Cords and Connectors, must be identified. Patch Cord ICJ-45 CAT6 LSZH (Data)

Unshielded twisted pair cable (UTP) complying with standards ANSI/ EIA/ TIA 568-B2-1 for CAT6 and ISO 11801. The connector shall be comprised of 8 solid copper connectors. They shall have a protection against smashing during installation and eventual modification of layout.

Consider a length of 1.5 meters for each patch cord. Total to be offered, per vessel, of 24 patch cords (blue color). The accurate dimension must be defined in an inspection. It must have UL certification, support transmission rates of up to 1 Gbps, , connected, tested and certified in the plant, in addition to lock protection without occupying area in the switch. Adapter Cable RJ-45 CAT 6 LSZH (and user’s mirror).

The adapter cables must exceed the characteristics of the standard ANSI/ TIA / EIA -568B2-1 to NEXT, to be prepared in plant with male connector RJ-45 macho, with plastic layer (charger) introduced in connector to relieve the voltages and avoid accidental disconnection. They must be assembled with cable UTP 24 AWG. Each patch cord shall have 100% of its performance tested at the plant in accordance with category 6 of ANSI/TIA/EIA standard 568-B2-1.

It shall be comprised of solid conduits insulated with non halogen polyethylene of high density and with an external cover of low emission of toxic fumes (LSZH).

The Adapters Cables shall measure 2.5 meters, and there will be a total of 12 per vessel, in green color, for the connections between the stations, printers, etc. in the work areas and the respective female connector RJ-45 present in the mirrors directed to users. Patch Panel CAT6.

The Patch Panel shall be metallic and measure 19", in accordance with standard ANSI/ TIA/EIA-310D, with 24 gates, female connectors and 1U high. Each RJ-45 position shall be identified by an icon (voice or data, in accordance with the forwarding), in colored plastic, making a distinction between both applications.

There shall be guiding cables in the rear portion for forwarding and for fastening the cables.

The modules shall have a structure built in high impact, flame retardant plastic (UL 94V-0). The printed circuits must be all inside the patch panel.

The connection terminals must be of model 110 IDC, and support at least 750 insertions of the patch cord. Organizer of the Horizontal Cabling

There shall be installed 1(one) cabling organizer for the 19" rack and Switch 1U high, provided with a removable front cover at one of the sides, made of plastic and produced by PANDUIT or similar. Closed Rack

The equipment shall be placed in exclusive 19" Racks, 770 mm internal depth, with high dumping capacity due to displacement of vessels.

Each Rack shall have a bolted structure of steel plate at least 1.5 mm thick, with adjustable feet, rubber basis, with forced ventilation, side removable covers, lock and venetian windows for ventilation. The side covers must be made of steel plates at least 1.2 mm thick.

The front door may be fully opened and be made of a plate at least 1.5 mm thick and provided with a smoked tempered glass.

All scooping must be treated by a chemical process comprised of 8 baths and painted black with powdered polyester paint (structures and doors) with a minimum thickness of 80 micros.

The ceiling must be comprised of a steel plate at least 1.2 mm thick, with fans, 110/220 V in an injected aluminum body, with voltage switching key, fusible, on-off key and service plug.

The racks must also be equipped with two (2) rules with four (4) plugs, with individual capacity of 20 amperes. The total voltage of each rule must be at least 25 amperes.

There shall be provided cage nuts for all positions.


CONTRACTOR shall provide and install software (license) PVX of Polycom, in addition to suitable cameras and microphones to serve 1 (one) work station. Next, the minimum technical features required:

6.7.1. It shall support point-to-point and multi-point video-conference;

6.7.2. Fully consistent with Protocol ITU-T H.323 e SIP;

6.7.3. Make audio full duplex available with cancellation of echo, automatic control of hook (AGC) and automatic control of noise suppression (ANS);

6.7.4. Supports video protocols H.261, H.263 and H.264;

6.7.5. Have Picture In Picture (PIP) Facility available;

6.7.6. Support the Active (1LS or LDAP) and Local dialing catalogue (with a list of quick, most recent and lost dials);

6.7.7. Full support to protocol H.239 (simultaneous viewing of "people" and "content"). Manual allocation of band width;

6.7.8. Support to video resolutions CIF, 4CIF and VGA;

6.7.9. Supports the AES cryptography protocol based on protocol .235;

6.7.10. Supports configuration of DNS (alias) and E.164;

6.7.11. Fully consistent and operation with automatic search to Gatekeeper of Polycom (PathNavigator);

6.7.12. Availability of the following quality parameters during a video-conference session:

• Video Protocol;

• Video rate;

• Video frame rate;

Packs of lost videos;

• Audio protocol;

• Audio rate;

• Packs of lost audio;

• Call rate;

• Total packs lost;

• % loss of total packs;

• Duration of call.

6.7.13. Availability of the following monitoring parameters during a video-conference session:

• Video camera status;

• Audio status;

• Network status;

• Gatekeeper’s Status;

• Global agenda server.

6.7.14. The alterations of the set-up parameters of software must have an access control by password;

6.7.15. Support to QoS configuration through parameters of IP Priority and Diffserv;

6.7.16. Additional features of Cancellation of Video Error, manual allocation and dynamic of band width, lips synchronization and jitler withdrawal;

6.7.17. Use of gates 1720 for protocols H.323 to 3603 for access by WEB;

6.7.18. Use of the same IP address of user’s work station;

6.7.19. Possibility of updates of software version through Web;

6.7.20. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLOR VIDEO-CAMERA: There shall be offered a color video-camera, recommended to software PVX, to be installed at the work station of the vessel, to support the point-to-point and multiple point video-conference network;

6.7,21. The video-camera shall be provided with two support and/or fastening base, for each vessel: the first type of basis shall be proper to be fastened solely in desktop PC and the second one and base that is adjustable to desktop PC and laptop, as well.

6.7.22. There shall be provided a microphone to be attached to the ear phones (“headphone”) for each video-conference provided. This headphone shall be tested and approved by PETROBRAS;

6.7.23. The video-camera shall meet the following technical specifications:

• Minimum resolution to capture video of 640x480 pixels, VGA;

• USB 2.0 Interface and consistent with 1.1;

• Digital Zoom and manual adjustment of focus;

• USB Cable for connection to PC, 2 meters long;

• Software to install the video-camera in PC, consistent with the operating system used by Petrobras;

• Frame speed of 30 frames per second for 640x480 (VGA).


CONTRACTOR shall provide and install CODEC VSX7000e of Polycom, with its respective camera. Next, the minimum technical features required:

6.8.1. 01 module Visual Concert VSX, People + Content IP, with communication protocol H.323 (IP) and SIP, video protocols H.261, H.263 and H.264, continuous presence, switching mode actuated by voice, conference upon demand, support to people+content (11.239), cryptography (AES), integrated with Camera, speakers;

6.8.2. 01 external power-mic equipped with mute button;

6.8.3. Stereo audio outlets (RCA), visual concert for audio and video for PC/laptop connection;

6.8.4. 01 sub-woffer speaker, connection cables with independent volume control or volume control by remote control of Codec itself, with minimum power of 10 W, automatic power supply of 90/260 VAC, 47/63 Hz;

6.8.5. Video Outlets:

• 1 x S-Video, 4 pin mini DIN (main monitor)

• 1 x S-Video (second monitor)

• 1 x VGA


6.8.6. Video Inlets:

• 1 x S-Video,

• 4-pin DIN( document camera, VCR )

• 1 x composite: RCA (document camera, VCR)

6.8.7. Audio Inlets:

• 1 x RCA for VCR

• 1 x RCA for auxiliary

• 2 x external power-mic

6.8.8. There shall be provided a compact wireless remote control, with all configuration facilities of the terminal, equipped with password to access programming;

6.8.9. Supports service quality configuration (QOS) for IP Precedence, DiffServ;

6.8.10. Control and information for "packet and jitter control";


Contractor shall provide the telecommunications systems in their latest versions of software and/or firmware.


Contractor shall keep the system operating, ensuring the proper operation of equipment.


All equipment shall be exposed to a saline atmosphere.


Smart recorder of video signs that match multiplexack, recording and video exhibition of up to 04 cameras, minimum Hard Disk at 600 GB for recording, with characteristics of professional equipment and recording of high performance and definition. It shall have at least the following technical features:

• Simultaneous recording and reproduction in high definition;

• Recording Sign, preferably NTSC, with automatic detection;

• It must have the following features: Viewing, reproduction and remote control of exhibition;

• Recording options: Linear, continuous, alarm processing,

• Detection of moves, local file of recordings and real time recording;

• Audio recording;

• Instantaneous location of video images, per time, date and camera;

• Integrity of recorded images;

• Viewing modes of monitor: Total, full sequence, quad, alarm call;

• Module version USB 1.1 ;

• Easy set-up and operation in manual or virtual mode.

• Connectors: 04 Video inlets BNC, 01 monitor BNC, RS232, USB;

• Ethernet: RJ45S armored modules, with board of network interface 10/100 BaseT in accordance with IEEE 802.3;

• Alarm inlets / outlets: 4 NA/NF inlets, maximum voltage 40VCC;/4 outlets of configurable relays, max nominal voltage of 30VCA- 40VCC-0,5A;

• Inlets: Compound video 0.5V – 2 Vpp, 75 Ohms;

• Analogical outlet: 1 Vp-p, 75 Ohms.

• Video resolution 720X484, NTSC;

• Digital Zoom: 2 times;

• Total recording speed – 120 IPS (images per second), configurable;

• Recording resolution: 352 x 240 pixels for NTSC recording;

• Image compression M-PEG4;

• Remote access of communication by PSTN, Lan, Wan network, or Internet;

• Operating System Windows XP;

• Latest version of remote management software;

• Operating temperature / humidity: +5°C to +40°C, <93% without condensation.


The controller shall be able to control all system’s functions, inclusively its programming (Presets, sequences, trip / untrip an alarm outlet either manually or automatically, select video inlets and outlets, etc..). The access to overview functions: PAN, TILT, ZOOM, FOCUS AND IRISH of the moving cameras either automatically or manually, allowing user to define its moving speed.

This moving speed (Pan, Tilt) must be proportional to the Zoom applied to the camera so the operator can position it more accurately. It shall be supplied by the main system, and it is possible to use a distance superior to 04 meters from the operation table.


• High Resolution 1280 x 1024 pixels, typical of 500 TVL;

• Viewing angle H: 150° and V: 130°;

• Image area 48.26 cm and diagonal view of 19";

• Brightness: 450 cd/m2;

• Contrast: 500:1;

• Interface of video inlet: BNC, S-Video, VGA, DVI, PIP;

• Audio and video inlet YIC (S-video) of compound video lvpp 75Ω;

• Be consistent with all video signs derived by the cameras of the system, preferably NTSC;

• Response time: 8ms;

• Electric supply in monophase circuit, 1271220 Vca, ± 10%, 60 Hz;

• Operating temperature: 0° to 40° C at humidity of 5% to 90% without condensation.


The video cameras must be outdoor Dome cameras, with Day/Night commands, High-resolution / sensitivity, color, with integrated lens with 23x Optical Zoom and 10x Digital zoom, Auto Irish and Auto Focus, automatic or manual back light compensation, (BLC), synchronism with electric network of 60Hz. The camera must have an integrated system of pan tilt with a high speed, providing 360 degrees of continuous pan, with variable speed allowing high accuracy, with a high positioning speed (preset speed equal or superior to 250°/s).

In order to increase the accuracy during the zoom control, the speed shall be automatically controlled pursuant to its variation.

All system, camera, lens, pan tilt and receiver driver shall be assembled in Dome-type stainless steel protection boxes with protection degree of 1P66, NEMA 4X and they shall have an internal dehumidifier with thermostat and the boxes shall have finishing especially developed for use in industrial plans and marine environments. The display (Bubble) shall be clear, and the smoked, golden or silver model shall not be accepted.

• The set shall provide digital stabilization of images, auto pan features equal or superior to 80 pre-positions, electronic shutter (Electronic irish), Auto focus, and tour or pattern recording (section) in memory equal or superior to 1 (one) min.

• The camera and lens assembly shall be comprised of elements of the same format, accessories, and it shall have the following minimum or superior features:

• Image detector: CCD of 113"or 1/4" (768 x 494 NTSC);

• Horizontal Resolution – 470 TVL minimum(NTSC);

• Sensitivity – Equal to or less than 0.26 lux ;

• Video Outlet: 1.0 Vp-p, 75 Ohms;

• Zoom – Equal or superior to 100X (23X Optical + 10 digital – 3.6mm to 82.8 mm) F1.6;

• Mask with privacy protection;

• Have 04 (four) dry alarm inlets and one relay outlet,

• Remote configuration – Manchester, RS-232, RS-485 or preferably one with multiple protocols;

• Correction of Horizontal and vertical opening;

• Focus/Diaphragm – Automatic, with manual alternative;

• Variable speed equal to or greater than 120°/s;

• Pre-position speed 360°/s;

• Horizontal continuous displacement of 00 to 360 o

• Vertical displacement of 0° to 90°;


7.5.1. There shall be provided priority to the use of coaxial cable to connect the cameras and the encoders. If the distances involved exceed the transmission limit, there shall be used the electro-optical converter preferably out of the classified area. The video encoder must have the following characteristics:

• Internal processor;

• Interface with user through the Work Station;

• Video System with 1 compound Video Inlet of 1 Vp-p, 75 ohms, NTSC/PAL;

• Compound Video NTSC / PAL / EIA / CUR;

• Video encoding MPEG-4 part 10 and H.264 (desirable);

• 2 Simultaneous video streams;

• Minimum speed of 30 fps per stream;

• Video Resolution: NTSC PAL

• CIF 352 x 240 352 x 288

• 2CIF 704 x 240 704 x 288

• 4CIF 704 x 480 704 x 576

• QCIF 176 x 120 176 x 144;

• BNC Inlet;

• Compound Video Inlet Sign of 1 Vpp;

• Inlet Impedance of 75 ohms;

• PTZ Control: Interface RS-422 / 485, RS-232 and Protocol consistent with forecasted moving cameras and existent cameras (as applicable);

• Alarms:

Inlets: 1, at least

Outlet: 1, at least, at relay or open collector;

• Detection of Activity in Video that allows at least configuration of Zone and be provided with adjustable sensitivity;

• Communication Interface Fast Ethernet 10/100 Basel- –13,345;

• Communication Security by cryptography;

• Cabinet in steel with option to fasten a 19" rack;

• Electric supply at a voltage of 120-240Vac 50-60Hz;

• Environment temperature 0° to 55° C;

• Environment Humidity 20 to 90 %.


There shall be considered accessories, and, thus, integral parts of the camera, all elements required to connect the camera to an infrastructure assembled at the location, being included in this item, its respective cabling, connectors, plug boxes, protection box in stainless steel, box with assembly plate with door with 130° hinges, sealing in expanded polyurethane, lock with universal core, fastening element and flange in steel plate and protection degree equal or higher than 1P-65 to store transformers, service plug, bar with connectors with fusible holder, coaxial protection, etc.

7.6. NO- BREAK

7.6.1. Exclusive Power System for Structured Cabling

There shall be provided, for each vessel, 1 (one) No-Break of at least 2.0 kVA, 110/220V, with minimum autonomy of 60 minutes, with the respective installation kit in a 19" rack, in order to protect the equipment against power surges that may occur in the assets to be installed.

7.6.2. The No-Break shall be a professional one and meet at least the following characteristics:

• On-line, with no time for transfer, with sinusoid stabilized outlet

• in any operation mode;

• Minimum nominal power of 2 KVA, inlet 115/220 VAC 60 Hz+10%/-20%;

• Stabilized sinusoid outlet of 115 VAC 60 Hz ±3 % operating by inverter;

• Minimum autonomy of 15 minutes at full load;

• Protects at the inlet against overload and surges in accordance with standards IEEE 587/ANS1 C62.41 categories A and B;

• Protection at current outlet against over current;

• Sound alarm of actuation;

• Bench of sealed batteries inside the NO-BREAK;

• Automatic turn-off and resume;

• Visual indication of battery status (floating, load, use, load of batteries while under their use mode);

• Maximum environmental noise of 45 dBa, measured 1 m away;

• Capacity to operate within the temperature ranges of 10 to 40°C and humidity of 5 to 95 % without condensation;

• Noise rejection at common mode greater than 60 dB @ 100 kHz;

• Noise rejection at transverse mode greater than 80 dB © 100 kHz;

• In compliance with standard FCC Section 15 Sub-Section J Class A as to suppression of EMI;

The system must be immune to frequency oscillations of up to ± 10% of 60Hz and have filter for transients and harmonics;

• It may not interfere in the operation of equipment in the vicinities;

• Installation standard at 19” racks.


Item Description Amount

7 Digital Recorder 01


7 Command Keyboard 01

7 19” LCD Monitor 01

7 Mobile Video Camera 01

Dome – with box for accessories

7 Encoder 01

7 No-Break- 2 Kva 01



8.1.1. The fixed transceivers shall operate at frequency ranges of 800 MHz (from 806 to 870 MHz), with spacing between channels and bands pursuant to ANATEL’S standardization, providing the following operational, functional and electric features:

• Outlet power in RF, adjustable by program, in compliance with at least the range of 10 (ten) to 30 (thirty) watts;

• Sensitivity equal to or less than 0.35 V for a 5% BER;

• USB Interface for data;

• Supply voltage 12 VCC +10% or -15% for moving transceivers;

• Voltage of power supply of 127/220 VCA +10% or -15% for fixed transceivers;

• Operating temperature between -30°C and 6O°C;

• Transmission timing;

• Busy channel blocking;

• Channel selector;

• Connector in front panel for mic/ programming;

• Self-locking external connectors;

• Hidden connector for mic, as applicable;

• Connector for external mic, as applicable;

• Data transmission at a minimum rate of 9.6 Kbps;

• Connector for remote command;

• Vertical monopole antennas, with earth plan, with minimum gain of 3 dBi, both with impedance of 50 ohms, maximum power accepted of 100 W, operating at 800 to 870 MHz, made in aluminum or stainless steel, with iron parts for fastening, pursuant to the installation to be made;

• Alpha-numerical display;

• DTMF Numerical keyboard;

• Digital cryptography using standard APCO – 25 (DES-OFB), for the models ordered with this feature.


The fixed transceivers shall comply with standard APCO-25 and have full interoperability with Trunking System MOTOROLA ASTRO-25 of PETROBRAS, and it shall operate regularly without any modification to any of the parts.

8.2.1. The transceivers shall allow the following features:

a) Call Features:

• Group calls

• Multiple group calls

• Individual calls

• Telephonic interconnection calls

• Call Alert

• Emergency Alarm

• Emergency Calls

• Roaming

• Forwarding status conditions

b) Terminal Features:

• Alert tones

• Possibility of group configuration

8.2.2. For transceivers that require cryptography, they shall operate safely and confidentially with Trunking System MOTOROLA ASTRO-25 of PETROBRAS, using digital cryptography of APCO – 25(DES-OFB), issued by the Association Public-Safety Communications Officials – APCO, in order to ensure the cryptographic interoperability.

8.2.3. The transceivers with display shall present messages in Portuguese language.

END OF ANNEX V (Revision on 10/03/2009)



Operation materials are those directed to operation of loads, mooring vessels at quays or rigs, protection elements required for mooring, bulk transfer elements as from the inlet existent in the structure of the vessel, slings, cargo protection, elements required to position load on deck, such as:


















(End of Annex VI)


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