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Tips Em Ingles

Ensaios: Tips Em Ingles. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  17/4/2013  •  486 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  652 Visualizações

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1) Adjectives don’t change.

2) Quite and (not) very go before the adjective.

3) Adjectives go before nouns.


1) `s - people

2) s’ – plurals

3) of - things


1) Don’t use “the” with have (dinner, breakfast, etc.), work, school, bed, go home, when you speak about things in general.

2) Don’t use “


4) Present simple: she, he, it - +s, +es (ch, sh, s, x, z), +ies (consonant+y).

5) Gerunds: after verbs of feeling, after prepositions, as the subject of a sentence.

6) Like, love, hate, enjoy, mind, dislike, admit, finish + ing.

7) Want, need, would like, hope, try, decide, plan + to + infinitive.

8) Need, hate, love, want, know, have (possessions) cannot be continuous.

9) Past simple: verb + ed, +d (e), double consonant + ed (1 vowel + 1 consonant), +ied (consonant+y). Use it to say when it happened.

10) Present continuous: be + ing.

11) Past continuous: was/were + ing. Use it to describe an action in progress at a specific time in the past or to describe the scene at the beginning of a story (past continuous – action in progress, past simple – short completed action).

12) Future plans, predictions: be + going to + ing.

13) Present perfect: have + past participle. Use it to talk generally about past experiences in your life – you don’t say exactly when they happened. Use it to talk about actions which started in the past and are still true now. Yet ( - and ?, end of a sentence). Already (+, before the main verb). Just (+, to say that something happened very recently, before the main verb).

14) First conditional: will or won’t. Use it to talk about a possible future situation. When “if” phrase comes first, use “,”.

15) Will: offers of help, promises, unplanned decisions, predictions.

16) Phrasal verbs: with most phrasal verbs, if the object is a noun, you can put the object between the verb and the particle. When the object is a pronoun it always goes between the verb and the particle. Some phrasal verbs the object always goes after the particle.

17) Passive: verb to be (the same time) + past participle.

Word order in questions

Question + auxiliary + subject + infinitive

Prepositions of time

1) In – parts of the day, months and seasons.

2) On – days and dates.

3) At – times of the day and festivals.

Prepositions of movement

1) Verb


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