Trabalho De Ingles SPACE TOURISM
Artigo: Trabalho De Ingles SPACE TOURISM. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: • 12/9/2013 • 415 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 697 Visualizações
Space tourism is a recent phenomenon that consists of space travel conducted by individuals with no scientific purposes, but for pure pleasure. Currently space tourism is only open to rich people, and transportation is provided by the Russian space program, trough a trade agreement with the US company Space Adventures.
Besides the cost of millions of dollars charged for the trip, the prospective space tourist must undergo a series of physical tests and medical tests and may be disapproved and prevented from traveling case presents any disorder or disability at any stage of training, and a training intensive six months in Star City ( an Area highly restricted access military northeast of Moscow, where cosmonauts are trained in the Yuri Gagarin Training Center since the 60s) simulating the conditions of adaptation to microgravity found in spacecraft in orbit.
After the Columbia disaster space tourism on the Russian Soyuz program was temporally put on hold because Soyuz vehicles became the only viable transport to the ISS. On July 26,2005, Space Shuttle Discovery (mission STS -114) marked the shuttle’s return to space. Consequently, in 2006, space tourism was resumed.
On September 18, 2006, an Iranian American named Anousheh Ansari became the fourth space tourist. On April 7, 2007, Charles Simonvi, an American businessman of Hungarian descent, joined their ranks Simonyi because the first respect space tourist, paying again to fly on Soyuz TMA-14 in March – April 2009. Canadian Guy Laliberté became the next space tourist in September, 2009 aboard Soyuz TMA-16.
Russian halted orbit space tourism in 2010 due to the increase in the International Space Stagion crew size, using the seats for expedition crews that would be sold to paying spaceflight participants. However, tourist flights are tentatively planned to resume in 2013, when the number of single-use three-person Soyuz launches could rise to five a year.
As an alternative term to “tourism”, some organizations such as the Commercial Spaceflight Federation use the term “personal spaceflight”. The Citizens in Space project uses the term “citizen space exploration”.
As of September 2012, with the setup where multiple companies are offering sales of orbital flights, with varying durations and creature comforts, the New York Times declares that "Space Tourism Is Here!”.
The main attractions in the space tourism is the experience itself, the fantastic feeling of observing the Earth from space, the elevation of status, was able to say in space, and the advantages of weightlessness.
Many people still don’t know about this kind of tourism, but the Space Tourism is already a reality.