Trabalho Inglês
Trabalho Universitário: Trabalho Inglês. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: anacarolinnah • 8/11/2014 • 1.704 Palavras (7 Páginas) • 505 Visualizações
When HR planning indicates the need for additional labor, organizations have a number of choices to make. This may be the first step in a full-scale recruitment and selection process, but something hiring additional employees is not the best method to obtain additional labor. It may be appropriate for a organization to consider alternatives to recruiting, such as outsourcing or contingent labor, instead of hiring regular employees. If this a temporary fluctuation in work volume, the simplest solution may be part-time labor or overtime by existing employees. If this a temporary fluctuation in work volume, the simplest solution may be part-time labor or overtime by existing employees. The costs of recruitment and selection can be staggering; hiring new employees should occur only after careful consideration and only when the organization anticipates a long-term need for additional labor. Estimates on the cost to replace supervisory, technical and management employees run from 50 percent to several hundred percent of employee salaries. Careful HR planning must consider the overall growth prospects of the organization and accurate forecasting of future labor needs. Recruitment planning begins only when other alternatives have been considered and eliminated.
RECRUITMENT: The process of attracting individuals on a timely basis, in sufficient numbers and with appropriate qualifications, to apply for jobs with an organization.
Promotion From Within
Your organization’s promotion policy will have a significant effect on the recruitment process. If the open position is above entry level, it may be appropriate to promote someone already working for the organization. Many organizations use promotion from within as a motivation tool and a reward for good work or longevity with the organization. When employees see their co-workers being prometed, they become more aware of their own career opportunities. Promotion may be especially important in a stagnant economy where people have little chance of improving their lot by changing organizations. They only opportunity for career growth and increased income is to move up within their current organization. The problem with promotion from within is that the promoted person leaves a staffing gap in his or her former position, so there is still a position to be filled. However, that gap is likely to be at lower, less-skilled position, and therefore it may be an easier position to fill.
The advantage of promotion from within is that your promoted employees is already comfortable with the corporate culture, knows organization policies and will likely get up to speed much faster than a person new to organization. The disadvantage of promotion from within is that the organization loses out on the chance for new ideas and the creativity that can come from a new person entering the organization for the first time. Clearly, there are pros and cons to both promotion from within and outside hiring. It’s not that one way is right and the other is wrong – is simply depends on organizational policy, the type of job being filled and its level within the organization. Higher-level jobs are more likely to be filled by promotion than are lower-level jobs.
Labor Market Conditions
The strength of the economy and labor market conditions will significantly affect your organization’s ability to attract and retain top-level employees. When the economy is strong, with little unemployment, your organization may have to compete with other employers for a limited number of skilled employees. This may require increased compensation or benefits incentives to attract quality applicants. The reverse may be true in a soft economy, with high levels of unemployment. The problem then is not a shortage of qualified applicants, instead, the problem is managing the huge number of applications that must be pared down to find a few good hires. Local labor market conditions strongly affect no managerial and supervisory positions, and depending on your industry, global considerations may affect your labor market for professional and technical applicants.
Job Posting
The most common method used to find qualified applicants from inside the organization is job posting.
JOB POSTING: The procedure to inform employees that job openings exist.
The traditional method to announce a job opening was to post notice of the job on the HR bulletin board; no doubt this is the origin of the term job posting. Today, many organizations post jobs electronically through organization-wide intranets or send e-mails to all employees about the job vacancy. Other employers publish employment newsletters or distribute job announcement. Whatever the method used, the job announcement should include information about the position, the required qualifications and instructions on how to apply.
It is important that the job announcement is made available to all employees. Adequate job posting can ensure that minority workers and disadvantaged group are aware of opportunities within the organization. The downside to job positing is employee cynicism that occurs when jobs are posted as open, but in reality, the organization has already selected a strong internal candidate. Such practices create resentment and mistrust among employees when they believe the job posting is just a formality with little real opportunity for advancement.
Employee Referrals
Some managers believe that the best method to find top performers in to hire individuals referred by existing employees. Current employees can play an important role in recruiting new employees, and some organizations pay a bonus to employees for successful referrals. Bonuses typically range anywhere from a $25 gift certificate to a $200 cash reward, but employers have been known to pay several thousand dollars for the referral of a successful employee in a position particularly difficult to fill. It sounds like everyone wins – the organization gets a successful new hire, the new employee has a job, and the referring employee has a bonus in his or her pocket. There is a downside to extensive use of employee referrals, thought.
Relying on word-of-mouth recruiting may generate applicant pools that not reflect the diversity of the labor market and may be discriminatory. Therefore, it would seem prudent to use employee referrals sparingly.