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Trabalho De Lngles Tecnico

Pesquisas Acadêmicas: Trabalho De Lngles Tecnico. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  7/2/2015  •  535 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  632 Visualizações

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It’s a waterfall located at the Brazil/Argentina border which holds the title of largest on Earth. But you’d be wrong to assume we’re talking about the famed Iguazu Falls in Parana. For starters, the location is northwest of Rio Grande do Sul and the river in question is the Uruguay. With an extension of 5900 feet (1800 m), forming a gigantic mouth 100 feet (30 m) wide, the Salto do Yucumã is the main attraction at Turvo Forest State Park, the first one in the state (created in 1947 ), whose área is around 17,5 hectares.

The depth in the falls region vary between 295 and 300 feet (90 and 120 m) and the water is always greenish. On the other side is the Argentinean Forest which unfolds in the province of Misiones.

Getting to the biggest longitudinal falls in the world is not easy, but is worthy. From Porto Alegre, Rio grande do Sul, the distance to the municipality of Derrubadas is approximately 340 miles (550 km). From there to the entrance of the park, you have to travel 25 miles (40 km) and, once inside, another 9 ( 15 km ) to come face to face with the sight. With any luck, you’ll get to see long-tailed monkeys, capybaras and rare birds (around 200 species live there) along the way.

The best time to visit is from November to April, the period when the river is low - in the Winter, the waters rise and cover up the falls.

About the text “LONG WATERFALL”

A. Fill out according to the text:

What is the main attraction of this waterfall? The main attraction is The Salto do Yucumã.

Where is it located? It is located at Turvo Forest State Park in Rio Grande do Sul State.

What was created in 1947? The Turvo Forest State Park, and it was the first one created in the state.

Types of animals found in there: Long-tailed mokeys, capybaras and rare birds.

Better period for visiting: November to April.

B. Answer in English:

1- From Derrubadas, how long do you have to travel to get to Long Waterfall?

You have to travel 55 Kilometers (34miles) to get to Long Waterfall departing from Derrubadas.

2- How depth does the falls region vary?

Vary between 295 and 300 feet

3- What do happen to the falls in Winter?

The waters rise and cover up the falls

C- Explain the use of the verbal tense underlined:

1- But you’d be wrong to assume we’re talking about the famed Iguazu Falls in Parana.

This is a Conditional Sentence Type 2

It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.

Form: if + Simple Past, Conditional (= would + Infinitive)


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