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Vida O Obra De William Shakespeare

Artigos Científicos: Vida O Obra De William Shakespeare. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  27/8/2014  •  1.021 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  735 Visualizações

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William Shakespeare morreu há quase quatrocentos anos, e hoje é mais famoso do que nunca. Ele escreveu suas peças num mundo sem avião, sem televisão, sem computador. Mas os personagens que criou e as histórias que contou têm prendido a atenção das pessoas durante todos esses séculos. Suas peças são encenadas em todo o planeta, viraram filmes de Hollywood, desenhos animados, histórias em quadrinhos, músicas e óperas. Shakespeare virou até literatura de Cordel!

Todo mundo conhece alguma coisa dele...

William Shakespeare

Shakespeare is considered the most important dramatist and writer of all time. His literary texts are true works of art and remained alive until the present day, where they are often portrayed by theater, television, film and literature.

Probably born in April 23, 1564 (he was baptized on April 26, 1564 and at that time the custom was to baptize children three days after birth) in the small English town of Stratford-upon-Avon. In this region begins his studies and has shown great interest in literature and writing. At 18 years old he married Anne Hathaway, and with it, he had three children. In the year 1591 he moved to the city of London in search of opportunities in the cultural area. Begins writing his first play, Comedy of Errors, in 1590 and ends four years later. At this time wrote about 150 sonnets.

Although his sonnets are today considered the most beautiful of all time, was the drama that gained prominence. In the year 1594, joined the Theatre Company of Lord Chamberlain, who had an excellent theater in London. In this period, the historical context favored the cultural and artistic development, as England ever lived gold under the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. The theater of this period, known as the Elizabethan theater, was of great importance. He wrote tragedies, comedies and historical dramas that mark the days until the theatrical setting.

The texts of Shakespeare did and still do successfully treat themselves as subjects of human beings, regardless of historical time. Love, loving relationships, feelings, social issues, political issues and other matters related to the human condition, are contained in the works of this writer.

In 1610 he returned to Stratford, his hometown, where he wrote his last play, The Tempest, finished only in 1613. On April 23, 1616 passed away the greatest playwright of all time.

Main works:

Comedies: The Merchant of Venice, Dream of a Summer Night, The Comedy of Errors, The two gentlemen of Verona, Much ado about nothing, Twelfth Night, Measure for Measure, The Winter's Tale, Cymbeline, Taming of the Shrew and The Tempest.

Tragedies: Titus Andronicus, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus, Timon of Athens, King Lear, Othello and Hamlet. Henry IV, Richard III, Henry V, Henry VIII:. Historical Dramas.

Obra de William Shakespeare – Sonho de uma noite de verão

This forest inhabited fantastic and mythological beings such as fairies and elves. There also dwelt Titania, the fairy queen and her husband Oberon, king of the elves. As Titania and Oberon were at war because Titania Oberon did not want to deliver an Indian orphan to serve you as a page, Oberon has ordered Puck the elf that was spoon pansies and when Titania was sleeping, put the liquid that flower in their eyes and so when Titania woke fall in love for the first person who ever came up to him. However, Oberon saw mistreat Helena and Demetrius ordered Puck who also did the 'spell' with Demetrius. The problem is that Puck was deceived and bewitched Lysander instead of Demetrius. When he awoke, Hermia and Lysander forgot fell in love


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