Womens Shoes
Dissertações: Womens Shoes. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: chowthoba • 7/12/2014 • 2.038 Palavras (9 Páginas) • 370 Visualizações
Women shoes
“High Heels or Flats”
High Heels are women preferred attire in their closet; therefore it becomes important to choose the right one.
The content that will be covered is as follows:
1) High Heels
a) Why women love them.
b) The benefits and the health issues.
2) Flats
a) Why women prefer them.
b) The benefits
It is important to learn why shoes are so important and how can they become a health issue in the long term.
It is known that, for many women is a hard decision to make when it comes to decide whether to use high heels or flats on a regular dinner party. Obviously, high heels are more elegant, and will make ladies look sexier and taller, despite the pain and the harm in their feet. On the other hand, using flats are for more casual occasions and they don’t make them look taller or sexy as high heels do, therefor they are much comfortable for your feet. For many decades shoes have always had a strong meaning on a women decision. It doesn’t matter what kind they are: flats, heels, boots, sandals, platforms, each pair of shoe has its charm behind. “Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.’’- Marilyn Monroe.
The majority of women in today’s society tend to expend a lot of money on shoes. For some of them if we gather all the shoes in their closet the amount of money spent on those, sometimes, can be equal to the price of a car or even higher. If you enquire a girl the meaning to have so many shoes, the majority will say to you that it’s all about the feeling provided by wearing the shoes. Women often make sacrifices for “foot fashion”, and many of them are willing to “play” with shoes in a way they don’t “play” with other parts of their wardrobe. Hence, the biggest question is why High heels are the women favorites?
For the majority of people high heels, are sexier and call more attention to the “audience” eye they represent the feminine side of a woman. High heels in a way can describe your personality, and that is why there is a huge variety of high heels. Some woman prefers platform heels, for example, this type of heels describe a woman who wants to still be sexy but at the same time she wants to be more comfortable on her walk. There is also the type of boot that covers up to the knee, according to some women, this boots make their legs look longer, and they all love that. Then there is the thin type of heel, this heels make their calf appear stronger. Heels also make an outfit look dressier, and a dressier outfit gives so much more pleasure, which impressively brings their self-steam up. A woman feels more confident when she knows that her shoes are pretty, and that her shoes are wanted for many women. They also make them look taller, and when they go on a date the first thing they want is to have a taller appearance and it defiantly will bring more attention when walking in a dinner or at a party to the “audience”. For a woman the high heels have to look on its best and they have to be, “preferably”, the most expensive and from the best designer on the boutique, despite the size or the harm that these shoes may cause to their feet.
In the other hand, high heels are not only beauty on a woman’s feet, they can also be harmful and this harm initially doesn’t seem very bad, but the consequences appear throughout the time and use. Is open to discussion, if it is worth the pain in our feet for thirty minutes of beauty, these shoes can cause a big harm to our back and to the feet. Walking with these shoes makes a huge pressure and the whole weight of our body will be on your toes causing on it tremendous damage into and also can cause what we call “Bunion”, bunion is a type of ball that grows to the side of our big toe and deforms the feet, often, the big toe deviates toward the other toes. When this occurs, the base of the big toe pushes outward on the first metatarsal bone which is the bone directly behind the big toe. This deformation is extremely painful and is ugly to see. It also brings some difficulties even when buying shoes because it doesn’t allow the feet to lie completely properly.
The majority of women in today’s society have this ‘bunion’. This deformation may take years to appear or it can simply come out with sometime of wearing inadequate shoes, because one way or another, high heels throughout time damage our feet. As a matter of fact, this deformation can be fixed, however, the surgery is very painful, costly and it takes a long time to recover. For a curiosity purpose according to the Web Med: “Bunion surgery generally involves an incision in the top or side of the big toe joint and the removal or realignment of soft tissue and bone. This is done to relieve pain and restore normal alignment to the joint. Small wires, screws or plates may be used to hold the bones in place. The procedure usually takes an hour or more, depending on the type of surgery.’’
, Not only but also wearing high heels can also cause a spinal problem, and this varies, depending on the usage of the shoes and the ground that the shoes are used in. According to the Spinal Institute “seventy percent” of women use high heels. The actual society forces women to use high heels to work, because it “looks more professional”, but what we don’t see is that these “professional look” is destroying our spine passively. Additionally walking with high heels puts a lot of pressure into the knees, deforming the natural posture of the hips, ankles and feet. High heel shoes cause you to lean forward and the body response to that is to decrease the forward curve of your lower back to keep you from the natural spine posture. A heels height determines the weight carried by the foot wear. As the heel gets higher, the pressure increases on the forefoot. On the long run a muscle fatigue from wearing heels can cause the calf muscle to cramp. With heels our chest is pushed forward, the lower back is also pushed forward taking our hips and spine from its natural alignment, excess pressure on the knees, and as mentioned before causing a “bunion” on our feet.
In contrast , flats are not as sexy as high heels are and using them are not going to make you so pretty for the “audience”, but