- Trabalhos, Monografias, Artigos, Exames, Resumos de livros, Dissertações


Por:   •  5/9/2015  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  344 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  122 Visualizações

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The Psychosocial Support Cabinet (GAP) is a social intervention unit of the Department of Administration, Management and Social Services created to help in the search for solutions of psychosocial problems of the Mozambican population in general and the district of Manhica communities, particularly in Maluana.

Areas of intervention

GAP intervenes in the following areas:

Social protection;

Domestic violence

Protection to the elderly

Child protection

Social exclusion


Sexuality and adolescence;

Early pregnancy

Early marriages



Health and wellbeing

Mental health

Sexual and reproductive health

Nutrition and dietetics



Preschool education

Educational support (Ex. dropouts)


General purpose

The GAP aims:

To contribute to the improvement of living conditions of ISEDEL’s students

To contribute to the improvement of living conditions of the members of Mozambican society.

Activities / Specific Objective 1.

Recommend studies on psychosocial problems of the Mozambican population.


Identify problems of domestic violence, 3rd age, HIV / AIDS, youth sexuality, dementia, and other psychosocial problems.

Identify and map local good practices for psychosocial assistance in Mozambican communities.

Do psychosocial surveillance.

Activities / Specific Objective 2.

Conduct psychosocial assistance activities.


Conduct psychosocial assistance activities for students of ISEDEL.

Conduct psychosocial assistance activities in the communities where the ISEDEL have representation.

Design and implement community social intervention models.

Create psychosocial assistance unities in the communities where ISEDEL has been working.

Activities / Specific Objective 3

Promote education and community mobilization on psychosocial problems



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