EU Na Escola
Artigo: EU Na Escola. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: carlos123 • 6/10/2013 • 359 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 334 Visualizações
Coisas boas acontecem na escola mas prefiro ficar em casa pois é mais produtivo jogar e aprender de maneira divertida ao invés de ficar cabisbaixo em uma mesa numa sala de aula.Running is often called a "pure" or "simple" sport. It doesn't have many rules, it doesn't take much teamwork, and it requires little in the way of equipment, training and talent. Almost anybody with two legs and a healthy heart can run, almost anytime and almost anywhere. There is, of course, a yawning chasm between recreational joggers who log a few miles after work and the cabal of Running is often called a "pure" or "simple" sport. It doesn't have many rules, it doesn't take much teamwork, and it requires little in the way of equipment, training and talent. Almost anybody with two legs and a healthy heart can run, almost anytime and almost anywhere. There is, of course, a yawning chasm between recreational joggers who log a few miles after work and the cabal of athletes who win marathons and Olympic medals. But just about everybody who runs farther than to the bus stop uses the one and only piece of specialty gear the sport demands: running shoes.
Most people can't imagine running without them. Casual athletes wear running shoes to protect against injury by cushioning impact and aiding joint alignment. Serious runners count on their shoes to improve their performance as well. How and whether running shoes deliver on these expectations are questions science has been trying to answer since the word "sneaker" went the way of the hula hoop sometime iwho win marathons and Olympic medals. But just about everybody who runs farther than to the bus stop uses the one and only piece of specialty gear the sport demands: running shoes.
Most people can't imagine running without them. Casual athletes wear running shoes to protect against injury by cushioning impact and aiding joint alignment. Serious runners count on their shoes to improve their performance as well. How and whether running shoes deliver on these expectations are questions science has been trying to answer since the word "sneaker" went the way of the hula hoop sometime i