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Por:   •  10/6/2015  •  Bibliografia  •  298 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  374 Visualizações

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Julia Quintas

TT/16:30     Mac2                            

Augusto  WT1

The breakfast club is an american comedy film,which was written and directed by John Hughes and is addressed to teenagers but everyone can see it.The main characters are Judd Nelson who plays the 'criminal' John Bender,Emilio Estevez the "athele" Andrew Clark,Anthony Hall the "brain" Brian Johnson,Molly Ringwald the "princess" Claire Standish and Ally Sheedy the "basket case" Allison Reynolds.

The story goes around these 5 teenagers that need to spend a Saturday afternoon at school after gaining a "bad reputation",each one with a reason to be there.It's set in the 80's in Shermer High School in Chiacago.In the eight hours that they spent together a lot of things happened from fighting to smoking weed.

My favourite part is in the beginning when all of then hate each other and is so funny because they keep provoking each other.Another bit that i really liked is the end,is just amazing how this story ends and the last music just makes even better.

Some people may say it is a boring film because it is old,but i find it an amazing film.It's a fascinating story because the dialogues are very realistic and this makes it easy to be inside the story because after all they are teenagers in hight school.This film is amazing down the last scene.

Breakfast Club is a well worth seeing fim.Despite being an old movie I recommend it to anyone who likes a hight school,funny story.I would gladly recommend you all, no matter what the age,it is just really nice.Also,the soundtrack is amazing;The film in general is amazing anr really easy to digest.


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