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Adjectives Order

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Por:   •  2/1/2015  •  283 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  451 Visualizações

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Adjective order

If you are using more than one adjective before a noun, there is often a specific order in which they must be placed.

For example:

A black leather jacket

A leather black jacket

Here is a short acronym to help you remember: OSASCOMP. Below you will find an explanation for each letter and some example sentences.

Rule 1: OSASCOMP - O for opinion

Adjectives that talk about opinions, judgements or attitudes usually come first.

Opinions, judgements or attitudes Noun

an elegant table.

a perfect plate.

an expensive skate.

Rule 2: OSASCOMP - S for size

Adjectives relating to size, length and height come next. For example:

Judgements, opinions or attitudes Size, length, height Noun

an elegant large table.

a perfect big plate.

an expensive small skate.

Rule 3: OSASCOMP - A for age

Next are any adjectives relating to age

Judgements, opinions or attitudes Size, length, height Age Noun

an elegant large new table.

a perfect big old plate.

an expensive small modern skate.

Rule #4: OSASCOMP - S for shape

Judgements, opinions or attitudes Size, length, height Age Shape Noun

an Elegant large new square table.

a Perfect big old round plate.

an Expensive small modern oval skate.

Rule #5: OSASCOMP - C for colour

Next are the adjectives that talk about colour.

Judgements, opinions or attitudes Size, length, height Age Shape Colour Noun

an Elegant large new square black table.

a Perfect big old round white plate.

an Expensive small modern oval red skate.

Rule #6: OSASCOMP - O for origin

This refers to adjectives that say where the noun is from.

Judgements, opinions or attitudes Size, length, height Age Shape Colour Origin Noun

an Elegant large new square black Swedish table.

a Perfect big old round white Chinese plate.

an Expensive small modern oval red Italian skate.

Rule #7: OSASCOMP - M for material



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