- Trabalhos, Monografias, Artigos, Exames, Resumos de livros, Dissertações

As Expressões Idiomáticas

Por:   •  6/6/2020  •  Projeto de pesquisa  •  560 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  127 Visualizações

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Workshop Idioms  


There must be at least 4:

1º read a few and questions

2º the same ones and create sentences

3º fill the blanks / Matching sentences

4º examples so they can guess



Whatever it takes

Comes rain or shine

Up the creek without a paddle

Out of one’s league

Sleep around

Smell a rat

Bed of roses

Till the fat lady sings

Red handed

In one’s shoes

Beat around in the bush

To let the cat out of the bag

Rain cats and dogs

High and dry

Call it a day

For good

Do any good

In a nutsheel / make a long story short

So far so good

The last straw

Under the weather

Water under the bridge

Put yourself together

Eye to eye

Ball it’s on your court / up to you

Arm and a leg

To kick the bucket / buy the farm

To hit the nail on the head

Barking dogs seldom bite

Piece of cake

Once in a blue moon

Stabbed sb in the back

Face the music

Long face

Have the face

Ring the bell

Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth

Peas and carrots

Under the sun

Every cloud there’s a silver lining

Go with the flow

Down to earth

Out of thin air / out of the blue

No stone upturned

A penny for your thoughts

Give the eye

On the fly

The third wheel

Neck to neck

Fool around

Still waters run deep

Flash in the pan

To be in one’s wheelhouse

Shit hit the fan

Stand (sb) up

Out of one’s league

Make do

Do without

Go getter

To mingle

1. Fill in the blank

  1. “Don’t worry, dude, she’s only 2 hours late, you know women…”

“Yeah… man, I think she ___________________________”

  1. “Hey, Mat, there’s something… I need to tell you…, but…

“Stop _____________________________, and tell me what’s going on!”

  “I ate your sandwich, sorry”

  1. “Man, thought I was home alone, but my friends, without knocking, entered my room while I was on the computer and guess what?! they caught me ________________________ listening to Backstreet Boys”

  1. I’ m a very nervous guy, I should’ve prepared my presentation, I can’t just do it _______________________________
  1. “Just 5 more minutes, Mom!”

“Tim, you´d better finish your homework right now and stop _______________________”

  1. “From that day on we was always together, Jenny and me was like _______________________”

  1. “Becoming an astronaut has always been my dream. I’ll do ____________________ to make it come true.”
  1. “See that guy over there?! he’s really into you, totally ______________________”

“No way… He’s so popular. He’s way ______________________”


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