Conclusão de textos de informação explícita e conhecimento de vocabulário
Ensaio: Conclusão de textos de informação explícita e conhecimento de vocabulário. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: DEBORAMONTEIRO • 19/11/2014 • Ensaio • 585 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 337 Visualizações
Text 1
Habilidades questões 1 e 2: Inferir dos textos informações explícitas e conhecimento de vocabulário.
Charlie Chaplin was one of the famous stars in the history of the cinema. He was certainly the most famous comic actor of the cinema. His first films were in the age of silent movies. He wrote and directed nearly all of his films and composed the music of all his sound pictures.
Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in 1889 in London. His family was poor and he had a hard childhood. In 1890 he left Britain for the USA, in 1914 he made his first film. In his films he created the character of a little man who always faced life with courage.
Chaplin was married four times, he had four kids. In 1952 he left the USA with his family and lived in Switzerland until his death.
1. Segundo o texto, onde e quando Charles Chaplin nasceu?
a. Nova York, em 1914.
b. Nova Jersey, em 1914.
c. Califórnia, em 1889.
d. Londres, em 1889.
2. Em que ano ele deixou os Estados Unidos e onde morreu?
a. Suécia em 1914.
b. Suécia em 1952.
c. Suíça em 1914.
d. Suíça em 1952.
Texto 2 para responder questões 3 e 4.
Habilidades questões 3 e 4: Localizar informações explícitas no texto.
Cleopatra was the name of the seven queens of ancient Egypt. By far the most famous was Cleopatra VII, b. 69 BC. Her extraordinary efforts to revive Ptolemaic power through her forceful personality and political skill, and the romantic liaisons with prominent Romans that this policy involved, have been the subject of much literature, including William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra and George Bernard Shaw's Caesar and Cleopatra.
The daughter of PTOLEMY XII, Cleopatra became joint ruler with her younger brother PTOLEMY XIII in 51 BC. Three years later they fought each other in a civil war, during which the Roman general POMPEY THE GREAT came to Egypt and was assassinated by Ptolemy. Julius CAESAR then invaded Egypt and defeated Ptolemy, who drowned in the Nile. Cleopatra married another brother, Ptolemy XIV, but she also became Caesar's mistress and followed him to Rome, where she stayed until his assassination (44 BC).
Returning to Egypt, Cleopatra ruled with her son by Caesar, Ptolemy XV, called Caesarion, as joint king, Ptolemy XIV having been murdered on her orders. In 42 BC, when Mark ANTONY came to Egypt, she became his mistress. They planned to set up a vast kingdom to be inherited by her sons by Caesar and Antony. However, Octavian (later AUGUSTUS) defeated Antony and Cleopatra in the Battle of ACTIUM (31 BC) and pursued them to Egypt. Antony committed suicide. Cleopatra surrendered and sought to establish