Descobrimento da América
Por: Nathyziis • 16/5/2015 • Projeto de pesquisa • 664 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 260 Visualizações
Christopher Columbus
You studied at school that Christopher Columbus, a Genoese, discovered America on October 12, 1492, sailing with three ships called Santa Maria, Pinta and Nina. You know that he sailded under the Spanish flag, and that. Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand weew his patrons. Andy ou also learned that hem ade four trips to the New World!
But did you know
That Columbus was of a Spanish- Jewish Family? And that he did´nt like Genoa?
That he dicovered America by profecy and not by astronomy or geography?
That he concluded that the world was round by Reading the Bible, especially Isaiah 11:10-12 and Ezra?
That he mixed up geography and cartographic information with a fertile imagination, thinking that India was close to Jerusalem?
That Jerusalem needed to be freed and that he was the man to free Jerusalem, that he thougth he had found the river Ganges?
That Columbus was a good admiral but a bad governor, that he freuently disobeyed the orders of king Ferdinand; that hundreds of men (Spanish and Indians) were killed on his orders?
That he took almost one Thousand slaves among the indians and sent them to Spain?
That on his third Voyage, he almost reached the Amazon?
That his was very White, tal and red-haired, and that his thougts and writings often came close to insanity?
Cristóvão Colombo
Você estudou na escola que Cristóvão Colombo, genovês, descobriu a América em 12 de Outubro de 1492, navegando com três navios chamados Santa Maria, Pinta e Nina. Você sabe que ele sailded sob a bandeira espanhola, e que. Rainha Isabel eo Rei Ferdinand foram seus patronos. E você também aprendeu que ele fez quatro viagens ao Novo Mundo!
Mas você sabia
Que Colombo era de uma família judia espanhola? E que ele fez'noite como Gênova?
Que ele dicovered América por Profecy e não pela astronomia ou geografia?
Que ele concluiu que o mundo era redondo lendo a Bíblia, especialmente Isaías 11: 10-12 e Esdras?
Que ele metido geografia e informação cartográfica com uma imaginação fértil, pensando que a Índia estava perto de Jerusalém?
Que Jerusalém precisava ser libertado e que ele era o homem a libertar Jerusalém, que ele thougth que tinha encontrado o rio Ganges?
Que Colombo era um bom almirante mas um governador ruim, que ele freuently desobedeceu as ordens do rei Ferdinand; que centenas de homens (espanhóis e índios) foram mortos em suas ordens?
Que ele levou quase mil escravos entre os índios e os enviou para a Espanha?
Que em sua terceira viagem, ele quase atingiu a Amazônia?
Que o seu era muito branca, tal e ruiva, e que seus escritos thougts e muitas vezes chegou perto de insanidade?
What did you learn at school about Chrstopher Columbus?
For what country did he sailed?
What river did he think he had found?
What did he conclude about the world?
Was Columbus a good governor?
What things happened during his administration?
Did he usually obey the orders of king ferdinand?
What was happening to Jerusalem?
Who did he think would free Jerusalem?
How he discovered America
How many trips did he make to the new world?
What people did he make slaves?
What is new to you about Columbus
What do you think was the best thing he did?
What do you consider the worst thing(s) he did?
Write what was your impression about Columbus before Reading the text and what is yours impression about him now