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Artigos Científicos: English. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  12/3/2015  •  532 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  175 Visualizações

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Alana: Hey, girls. Did you watch the British Awards last night?

Cristina: Yes, of course. Did you see that our favorite band won?

Alana: Yeah, I'm amazed One Direction won the best video award!

Gabriele: One Direction? What direction?

Leticia: The band One Direction. The one that has been famous for almost 5 years.

Michelle: Wait. What are the British Awards? I spent my whole night reading Harry Potter.

Gabriele: Which one are you reading?

Michelle: The Chamber of Secrets, but it's been taking me forever to finish it!

Leticia: Oh, that's my favorite! I love that part in which Lockhart loses his memory.

Gabriele: Hey, stop telling me spoilers!

Leticia: But you've already read this one, haven't you?

Gabriele: I have, but I plan on reading it again, so can we discuss another topic?

Michelle: Weren't we talking about the British Awards earlier?

Cristina: Yes, and I was about to tell you what the British Awards are. (Pause) For the record, it's an annual pop music event, similar to the Grammy Awards.

Alana: The most talented British singers and songwriters are awarded with a statuette designed by famous fashion designers. Oh, and Cris, did you see Madonna's fall on stage?

Cristina: I did, and although I feel bad for her, I have to admit it was pretty funny...

Leticia: Oh my god, I love Madonna! But how did she fall? I feel so sorry for her...

Alana: She was performing a song and wearing a long cape, and while she was climbing up the stairs, one of her dancers was supposed to pull the cape...

Cristina: But he pulled it way too violently and made Madonna fall from the stairs.

Michelle: Yeah, I saw that was tons of people making fun of her on Twitter.

Leticia: Wow, that's so mean! Is she alright now?

Gabriele: Of course she is, she is rich enought to has the world's best doctor treating her. Now can we go back to talking about books? I feel excluded in this conversation.

Michelle: But you were the one who suggested changing the topic to the British Awards in the first place... Well, it doesn't matters... Which book are you reading right now?

Gabriele: I'm reading Divergent. It's a dystopia that takes place in Chicago. The society is divided in factions, and this girl, Tris, has to choose her faction, but it's a really hard decision, because she is a divergent... And I'm not going to tell you what that is because otherwise I would ruin the book for you.

Cristina: I've already this trilogy, it's really cool. But don't read the last one, the end sucks.

Alana: If you tell me the end, I'm gonna start crying. Seriosly, I hate when people tell me any kind of spoiler.

Michelle: Relax,


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