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Podcast In English

Casos: Podcast In English. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  11/10/2013  •  591 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  411 Visualizações

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Hi, how's it going? This is Ana Luiza with a new episode of the inglesonline podcast. To download

or just listen to other episodes and download transcripts, go to and click

Podcast Inglesonline.

Today I was inspired by a sketch I watched on Saturday Night Live the other day. Saturday Night

Live is a long-running sketch comedy show that has been on TV for several years. Sketch comedy

show is... well, Casseta e Planeta is a sketch comedy show, TV Pirata was a sketch comedy show. I

think some sketches are funny and some aren't, but overall I like Saturday Night Live. OK, so from

now on, I'm gonna say only SNL, OK? SNL stands for Saturday Night Live.

So the other day I saw an old SNL sketch where one of the actors played George W. Bush, back

when he was President of the US, and a journalist asked President Bush what his plans were for

Iraq. Bush basically said that he didn't know, but was considering the possibility of restoring

Saddam Hussein into power. And remember, this is a comedy show and this sketch is old! So Bush

said he was considering putting Saddam Hussein in charge again. After all, he said, Saddam is

experienced and he would hit the ground running.

Listen again: Saddam is an experienced guy, and he would hit the ground running. Hit the ground

running... what does that mean? When someone hits the ground running, let's say, on their first day

at a new job, it means this person is ready! For example, let's say today is Jack's first day on his new

job as a sales director for an insurance company. Jack is a very experienced manager and he's

worked in the insurance industry for two decades. So he doesn't need any training because he knows

everything there is to know about the business. He knows the ins and outs of this job. He knows the

ropes. Again: he knows the ins and outs of this job. He knows the ropes. That means he knows what

the job is, he knows what he has to do, he knows how it works, he knows the details, the secrets, the

mechanics of the job.

So what happened to Jack on his first day at the new job? He hit the ground running. He got there at

8 o'clock, called a meeting with all his new employees and one hour later he was on the phone

talking to some big clients. After that he had a private meeting with each and every one of his

employees where they discussed what was being done and how they could improve their work. Jack



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