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Jardins suspensos - Vertical Gardens

Por:   •  1/7/2015  •  Seminário  •  580 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  283 Visualizações

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Instituto Federal de Alagoas

Vertical Gardens

Maceió, 30 de junho de 2015


Ailla Gabrielli

Arthur Vasconcelos

Ellen Gonçalves

Mateus Araújo

Thiago Henrique

Class: 922-A


The first planned vertical landscaping clue (which had its planting irrigation system and designed to make it efficient and maintain the quality of the species that exist there) were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

         Located east of the Euphrates River in what is now Iraq, the gardens were built by King Nabucodonossor, in about 450 BC, as a gift for his wife, Amytis queen, born in a mountainous region and full of pastures, with much relief and a varied vegetation, which felt desolate on the local landscape, extremely flat and desert.

         The king then decided to recreate the native landscape Amyitis by building an artificial mountain covered with gardens. Although the name given throughout history for this work has been Hanging Gardens, vegetation was actually grown in terraces.

The history of vertical gardens in Brazil begins in 1983 with Roberto Burle Marx, the Brazilian landscape, considered one of the greatest impact professionals and recognition of the century around the world in your area.

         His first landscaped project was a partnership with Lucio Costa and Gregori Warchavchik in the year 1932. Since then, begins to sign more and more projects, and his return to Brazil provides the landscape acting in various public spaces. Burle Marx had great passion for flora of the country and so made sure to use 100% domestic species in his works.


Green areas are critical in the cities because, in addition to purify the air, producing oxygen, keep cities cooler in summer and absorb rainwater in the winter, avoiding flooding. The walls and green roofs are a good option when there is no space in the cities to create gardens and parks.

         In addition to transforming the urban context, the vertical garden acts as gas filter pollutants, thermal and acoustic insulation, helps to increase air humidity and biodiversity and improves the aesthetics of the city. According to the study released by the University of Birmingham, the garden can reduce up to 30% of pollution around them.

Famous works

Semiahmo Library, Vancouver, Canada

Public Library Semiahmoo, green has the greatest wall North America, both in extension and diversity of plant life, which are housed over 10 thousand plants divided into 120 species of shrubs, small trees and large species.[pic 1]

        The initiative came from company Green Over Grey - Living Walls and Design, responsible for implementing many similar projects at airports, banks, hospitals and Canadian shopping centers.

Fukuoka Conference Hall, Japan

The project proposes to Fukuoka ACROS a powerful new solution to a common urban problem: reconciling the desire for a developer to profitable use of a site with the need for public green spaces. The plan for Fukuoka meets both the needs of a structure by creating an innovative agro-urban model.
[pic 2]


The term that combines "vegetation" with "architecture" names the elegant vertical garden developed by Capella Garcia firm to the facade of a residential building in Barcelona, Spain. Seen from afar, the green wall - 21 meters tall and nearly 300 square meters - enough to be confused with the wooded landscape of streets surrounding the building. Thinking of attracting neighborhood critters, architects equipped the garden with small "shelters" for urban birds.[pic 3]


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