Lesson plan - TKT- reading
Por: sadalbo • 19/4/2015 • Ensaio • 1.485 Palavras (6 Páginas) • 884 Visualizações
Teacher: Claire | Observer: Dona |
Lesson No.: Teaching Speaking | Length: 20’ |
Level: Intermediate (B1) | Date: 10/31/2014 |
Main Aim By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to express future intentions, wishes, desires and hopes for the new year. Subsidiary Aim By the end of this lesson, Ss will have improved their speaking skills in the context of holidays, beaches, problems with tourism and develop new vocabulary about tourism. Class Profile This group comprises five students with ages ranging from 20 to 50. They are all false intermediate, but they need to improve their reading and speaking skills. Carolina is very dedicated and she has a large vocabulary and she tends to speak a lot during the activities. André is very outgoing, he gets along with everybody. Maria is the oldest one and she feels insecure when she needs to make decisions in group. Monique is very quiet and she doesn’t like to make risks. Eduardo isn’t so dedicated and he sometimes misses classes, but he has a good speaking and is a natural leader. Timetable fit Students have already worked with some vocabulary related to travel and activities on holidays, idiomatic expressions such as: I like/ I don’t like. Students have been working extensively on vocabulary related to trips and tourism. They have already learnt some expressions to talk about favourite holidays. Assumptions Students know Simple Present and Simple Past. WH- questions, My favorite Holiday is… and some vocabulary to talk about Holidays activities. Personal Aim In this lesson, I hope to improve my timing management and my voice intonation. |
Lead-in (to contextualize the lesson) Skimming (To understand the context) Scanning (To find important information) Reading for detail (To increase Ss’ accuracy when using reading skills) Jigsaw Reading Deducting meaning from context Follow up (to allow Ss’ to personalize their use of the reading skills) |
| 3’ 5’
5’ 3’ 2’ 3’ | T – Ss PW T -Ss WG PW PW I PW | V K
V A V A A V V A K | Individual Worksheets Beaches pictures landscapes and markers. Text: Tourism TKT Questions about progress in the worksheet. | P1.: Ss may take too long to do the exercise. S1.:T interrupts Ss politely. P1.: T may spend a lot of time in this process. S1. T interrupts politely P1.: Ss may have problems with the order to ask and answer questions. S1.: T writes examples on the task paper. P1.: T may spend a lot of time in this process. S1. T interrupts politely P1.: Ss may have problems with pronunciation and new vocabulary. S1.: T says the word and asks Ss to repeat and gives examples using the new vocabulary P1.: Ss may have problems with pronunciation and new vocabulary. S1.: T says the word and asks Ss to repeat and gives examples using the new vocabulary. |
Coconut Island is a beautiful, tropical island with, of course, coconut palms, golden beaches and clear blue sea. I’m sorry, I made a mistake there. Coconut Island was a beautiful island.
There are still coconut palms, golden beaches and clear blue sea but not like before. So, what happened?
Well, the beach is full of people, sunbeds and umbrellas. The sea is full of speedboats, noisy jets skis and surfers. There are fewer palm trees because there are more and more buildings. Hotels, holiday resorts, guest houses, restaurants, swimming pools… you name it, Coconut Island has it. Paradise is no longer here, but the Paradise Hotel is.