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O Lesson Plan - Estágio I

Por:   •  19/10/2023  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  411 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  78 Visualizações

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Lesson Plan 1

Estágio II

Leonardo de Oliveira Maciel

Date: October 09th

Module: Básico I
Middle Schhol, 9th. grade

Schedule: Tuesdays, 7:50 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

Number of Students: 34

Grammar topic: Long “e”, short “i”

Theme: Video: The italian man who went to Malta // Confusions, mistakes and pronunciation







Pre-Warm up/Game

The teacher will begin asking if they where ever misunderstood when talking in english.

The teacher will then say that there are many tricks when saying words that are almost identical, but are indeed different words, like sheep and ship, heat and hit, and so on.

This activity aims to make them aware of such words, and be prepared for the next topic.

1 Teacher.

10 minutes

Warm Up

After the pre-warmup, the teacher will play a áudio recording of words that are similar. This way they will notice some of the words, others won´t be noticed.

With this approach, teacher will prepare for the main topic, wich will require more attention from the students.

1 computer, sound box.

15 minutes


The teachers will show the video “The italian man who went to Malta”, and wil ask the students to notice any problem with the communication among the participants. The teacher will ask them to take note of what they find out, and write it down.

This activity aims to demonstrate to the students how important is to pay attention to the pronunciation, in order to be well understood.

They will laugh with the vídeo, pay attention to the details, and be more enthusiastic with the class.

1 computer, sound box, projector.

25 minutes

Activity - Roleplay

After the students have been presented with the vídeo, now the teacher will play again the vídeo, but with the transcription of the vídeo, and point the mistakes and erros with the conversation.

They will compare what they wrote down with what they are seeing in the transcription.

Once they ended comparing their findings, the teacher will then proceed to another audio recording of “minimal pairs”, along with another vídeo explaining how the long e and short i should be done, demonstrating how their mouth  should do.

Practice long e and short i sound with the funny vídeo, and also learn with áudio and vídeo examples on how to do it properly.

1 computer, sound box, projector.

Slide with audio link:

Video demonstrating mouth movements and minimal pairs:

40 minutes


Students will open their smartphones/computer and enter the given link. They will bring a print of the resulto f this test.

The aim of this activity is for students to practice the abilities learned during the class.


10 minutes


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