- Trabalhos, Monografias, Artigos, Exames, Resumos de livros, Dissertações

Lesson Plan - Fundamental II

Por:   •  20/9/2015  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  512 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  382 Visualizações

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Lesson Plan



Date: 20/06/2015


Fund. II

Grade level:

6th Grade



Indentidication of thema: A visit to Yosemite National Park

Duration: 100 min.

Subject: Reading and Writing

General Objective

- Learn the key features of gender travel guide and develop the language skills necessary to read and produce texts of this genre.

Specific Objective

- Students will develop knowledge and understanding about:

  • The nature and function of ecosystems and how they are interrelated in the Yosemite National Park.

- Students will develop values and attitudes relating to:

  • A respect for life on Earth.
  • An appreciation of their cultural heritage.
  • A commitment to act for the environment by supporting long-term solutions to environmental problems.
  • Adopting behaviours and practices that protect the environment.

-Students will develop knowledge and understanding about guide travel to:

  • The main linguistic brands and essential information.
  • Travel guide production for presentation to class.


- Compositional elements of the genre travel guide.

  • Languages and vocabulary.
  • Places to visit/go, historical information, address, price and phone, things to do, hotels, restaurants, etc.
  • Common adjectives to describe places.
  • Descriptive, explanatory and instructional sequences.
  • Verbs in the third person simple present.

Development of the Theme and Method  (use of teaching techniques):

  1. Dress-up of ranger and perform a skit or charade to teach about the animals and biodiversity in the Yosemite National Park.
  2.  Display a national park poster in front of the class.
  3. To discuss how the parks contribute to conserving native plants and animals and historic heritage.
  4.  To identifies significant features of a local national park.
  5. To compares Yosemite National Park to those in other parts of the country.
  6. To explains the importance of rules in a national park.
  7. To propose a virtual park visit on the internet ( or ).
  8. To conduct excursion, focusing on types of ecosystems and the plants and animals they contain.
  9. After reading and researching points of interest the students will to choose a natural park to write about. The content is required: What is the place called? Where is it located in the state? What is one interesting fact about it? What is something you might learn about it or the state if you visit it? A A4 leaf will be used to manufacture for travel guide that will be folded. In the cover to feature an image of parks and the state name. The 4 inside panels focused on specific types of animals naturals/forests, monuments, or events/attractions. In the back panel will showcased park's symbols.

Materials needed  

  • Computer/Internet;
  • Maps;
  • Travel Guide
  •  Compass;
  • Fact sheets;
  • Clipboard,
  • Measuring tape and binoculars;
  • Leaf A4,
  • Projector/Power Point,


It will be taken into consideration text production, performed in the following aspects:

- Adequacy gender travel guide

- Cohesion and coherence

Observation: The proposed activities are subject to change according to the content development.


GoddessofWhimsy . Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 15/06/2015.

NovaEscola. Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 15/06/2015.

Yaroooh! for Kids | News - Magazine . Disponível em: < > Acesso em: 15/06/2015.


Link to travel glossary The University English Group:

Video: Experience Yosemite National Park: 

Tourist Guide of Yosemite National Park:

[pic 1]

Example: confection travel guide:

[pic 2]  [pic 3]


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