Preparation 95 w4
Por: Bruna Nabor ♥ • 20/9/2015 • Trabalho acadêmico • 399 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 627 Visualizações
Lesson 95
To happen
Syllabification: hap·pen
Pronunciation: /ˈhapən/
1. (Verb) Take place; occur
Exemplos: Nobody happened to her.
This could happen again.
Sinônimos: occur, take place, come about;
Syllabification: ma·chine
Pronunciation: /məˈSHēn/
1. (noun) An apparatus using or applying mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task.
Exemplos: The fax machine is broken.
I need to buy a shredding machine.
Sinônimos: apparatus, appliance, device;
Syllabification: en·gine
Pronunciation: /ˈenjən/
1. (noun) A machine with moving parts that converts power into motion.
Exemplos: The factory needs two more engines to upgrade production.
The car's engine broken during the trip.
Sinônimos: motor, mechanism;
2. (noun) A railroad locomotive.
Exemplos: The engine suffered an accident next to Mexico.
A new engine is been building at Moscow.
Sinônimos: train, locomotive;
Syllabification: state·ment
Pronunciation: /ˈstātmənt/
1. (noun) A definite or clear expression of something in speech or writing.
Exemplos: Do you agree with this statement?
This is correct as a statement of fact
Sinônimos: declaration, affirmation, assertion.
Syllabification: square
Pronunciation: /skwer/
1. (noun) A plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles.
Exemplos: He drew a square on the board.
The square is a trigonometric figure.
2. (noun) The product of a number multiplied by itself.
Exemplos: A circle’s area is proportional to the square of its radius.
You should raise three squared .
Syllabification: fab·ric
Pronunciation: /ˈfabrik/
1. (noun) Cloth, typically produced by weaving or knitting textile fibers.
Exemplos: This is a heavy silk fabric.
Where are waterproof fabrics?
Sinônimos: cloth, material, textile.
2. (noun) The walls, floor, and roof of a building..
Exemplos: Wet rot in the attic upper floors is eating the fabric of the building.
The fabric of the building is at risk.