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This paper was prepared for Health Assessment of Family, Section 011, taught by Dr. Lal

Por:   •  18/2/2016  •  Relatório de pesquisa  •  3.305 Palavras (14 Páginas)  •  611 Visualizações

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Family Carvalho Project

Ludmilla de Souza Campos

Milwaukee School of Engineering

School of Nursing

This paper was prepared for Health Assessment of Family, Section 011, taught by Dr. Lal


         This project presents the Carvalho’s family assessment that was made according to Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns for families, its Genogram and Ecomap. The Carvalhos are a Brazilian family that lives in Tampa -FL for approximately 15 years which is composed by:  Ednauria Carvalho Moraes (householder/ mother), 42 years- old; her daughter  Edra Carvalho Brandao, 26 years-old; her husband Luciano Moraes , 38 years-old; Adriano Brandao (Edra’s husband), 31 years-old and Samuel Carvalho Brandao (Edra and Adriano’s son) 3 years-old.

           Carvalho’s Family since its beginning has experienced significant changes. Ednauria had a troubled relationship with her parents and got pregnant at 16 years-old to get married and leave her parents’ house.  Her ex-husband M. Clarismundo could not give a good quality of live to her and their daughter Edra. After Ednauria completed 18 years-old she moved to Genève- Switzerland to work and raise money to care of her daughter. Edra was 2 years-old and grew without her mother, just having her visit some times during 13 years. After six years living in Genève, Ednauria went back to Brazil and divorced M. Clarismundo. She tried to rebuild her life in Brazil but she did not adjust and during this time she met Luciano and they started a relationship. They came to United States, leaving Edra with her aunt E. Marcelino. When Edra completed 15 years, she came to live in the United States with her mother. They lived in Boston- MA for approximately 6 years, and during this time Ednauria and Edra was trying to adjust to each other, but having some troubles due to the long time they lived separated. In Boston, Edra met Adriano who were known by promoting the best parties in the city. They started a relationship and then moved to Tampa to start a new life together.

After some weeks that Edra moved to Florida, her mother, Ednauria became interested in living there as well, claiming that she was tired of living in cold places, so she and Luciano moved to Florida too. This is the Carvalho’s family composition:

 Family Composition Table




Date and Place of Birth



Adriano Brandao





Tattoo Artist

High School Graduate

Ednauria Carvalho Moraes *





House Cleaner

High School Graduate

Edra Carvalho





House Cleaner

High School Graduate

Luciano Moraes





Manager on Brics

High School Graduate

Samuel Carvalho Brandao




United States



Family Theory and Concepts

              To work with the family, nurses must have a complete understanding of it and for that, it makes necessary to use tools to familiar approach. The following are among the tools that can be used in primary care, are listed a few that are particularly useful, focusing on their use and application. The Developmental and Family Life Cycle “provides a framework for nurses to understand normal family changes and experiences over the members’ lifetimes”. (Kaakinen, J., et. Al., 2015). This tool divides the family history at predictable developmental stages, and each stage is characterized by specific development tasks and stress associated with the implementation or not of stage tasks. McGoldrick (2010) says that “the family stress is generally higher in transition points from one stage to another in the family development process, and symptoms tend to appear more when there is a disruption or displacement in family life cycle unfolding”. Importantly, nurses must not ignore the social, economic and political, and its impact on families, moving through different stages of the life cycle at each moment in history. The cycle of family life divides the family in eight predictable stages of development.

           The first stage includes the output of home person. At this stage the person suffering the stress of gaining independence both economically and emotionally in relation to their parents. The second stage includes the commitment of both the woman and the man in relation to your partner; the tasks to be fulfilled refer to the establishment of a close relationship between the partners and the further development of emotional separation from their parents. The third stage is related to learning to live together; it would be the stage where the couple learns to divide the various roles in a balanced way and also the relationship family and friends becomes more independent. The arrival of a new member to the family, the first child, it would be the fourth stage in the life cycle, in which the tasks associated with it would be the adjustment of the marital system to make space for the child, both at educational responsibility as financial and splitting the role of parents. After this phase, comes to live with the teenager. It is the fifth stage, which should increase the flexibility of family boundaries to include the independence of children and fragility of the older generation, as well as strengthen the marital and professional issues in the middle of life. In the sixth stage will attend his son's departure, commonly called "nest empty," in which they must be accepted various inputs and outputs in the family system, like going back to live as a couple without children, setting the end of the parental role, development adult relationship to adult between grown children and their parents. The seventh stage refers to the stage of retirement. The changes to be faced are: the end of the regular salary, requiring a financial adjustment; development of new relationships with children, grandchildren and spouses. Finally, the last stage refers to old age, in which they must deal with the loss of skills and increased dependence on others, as well as dealing with the loss of friends, family and possibly the spouse. Therefore, knowledge of family development is of utmost importance and usefulness for health professionals working with the family, including nursing, because it facilitates the prediction anticipates the challenges that will be faced in a family development stage and assists the same to recognize the changes and move forward its development.


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