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Luis Gustavo Marangão Leite

The Stock Exchange






Luis Gustavo Marangão Leite

The Stock Exchange

Project presented as a final project – Written, of course Focus on Fisk Final - Fisk Languages ​​Foundation, as a partial requirement of graduation activities under the supervision of Professor Rachel.



Element components of Research Project


1. Introduction

2. Desevollity

3. Conclusion / doubts


1.1 History

    Stock exchanges are where are negotiated securities issued by public companies. Since the fifteenth century, in the Middle Ages, companies in holdings of shares were sold in the streets, on the sidewalks, similarly to any other product sold at the time.

        The first stock exchange history of values, that is, a place where met several traders to conduct business related to investments and shares in companies appeared in 1487 in the city of Bugres, Belgium. However, the first action traded in a stock exchange ever recorded belonged to the Dutch East India Company and was negotiated in 1602, on the Amsterdam stock exchange.

       From 1964 to the laws of banking reform and capital market, stock exchanges began to take over the functions currently have. Today, they have become a striking symbol of capitalism and globalization. Information technology has enabled the existence of fully electronic stock exchange, such as the American Nasdaq, for example.

                        Founded on August 23, 1890, by Emilio Rangel Pestana, the Stock Exchange of São Paulo  (BOVESPA) has a long history of service to the capital market and the Brazilian economy, and becoming the main stock of Brazil values;

 1.2 Definition


The Stock Exchange is a person or virtual environment where shares issued by companies are traded. It acts as a buying and selling market. Every action, or title, equivalent to a small portion of these institutions and may represent an excellent investment as the company continues growth rates and good reputation. We have to understand enough about the financial market to safely apply resources on the Stock Exchange or pursue a career in this area. Stock prices can swing in a matter of seconds and turn huge profits in losses, depending on demand and the political and economic situations of each country.

2.1 Why is there a stock exchange?

The stock market has emerged as a means for companies to raise funds (money) to invest in themselves. It sells a piece of its stake to individuals or companies in exchange for their money.

In the end, people gain a stake in the companies, which the right to them to receive part of the profits that companies make, among other rights. The companies can raise money at a cheaper price they could seat us.

The biggest advantage I see in the stock market to people is that hardly would have the possibility of investing in large companies. The stock market helps us a lot for us to do this.

2.2 What are stocks on the stock exchange?

Action is the smallest part of the capital of a company, is a small piece of it. A person who buys a stock becomes a small partner of the company.

2.3 Kind of stocks

Ordinary (ON) - is entitled to vote at a meeting of business settings.

Preferred (PN) – It does not give the right to vote, but preference in respect of dividends

The companies share their profits with shareholders. Some do it monthly, others quarterly.

 Dividends given to those who have ONs are not always the same as given to those who have PNs.

In these cases, the preferred receive higher values. In addition, the PNs are sold and bought with greater ease.

2.4 How to invest

                 The shares are traded on the stock exchanges. In Brazil, the purchase and sale of shares takes place on the BM & FBovespa (São Paulo Stock Exchange). These negotiations are done through brokers habilitas by the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM). To start buy and sell shares, you must make a registration as a broker (stating name, occupation, address and copies of RG, CPF and proof of residence).

                  So, the broker opens an account in the investor bag. Each institution determines what the minimum amount for opening the account.

                  To choose which stocks to buy, you can expect the brokerage analysts, who will answer questions and help identify what are the good investments for that moment.

2.5  What is the risk of investing in stocks ?

                  This is the risk of owning a business. after all, when you buy stock in a company, becomes partner. and the whole world has seen companies who do well and others not so much. so do you get the care when choosing which company you will invest. although you will not take control, only enter a business you trust and, above all, believe it will continue to succeed in the future.

- Recently Facts

- Why is China's stock market falling and how might it affect the global economy?

Concerns about inflation, shares and interest rates are raised after ‘Black Monday’ chaos sees billions wiped off markets around the globe.

- What has happened in China?

             China’s stock market has fallen sharply over recent weeks despite measures by officials in Beijing aimed at calming investors’ jitters and shoring up global confidence in the country’s slowing economy.

             Shares in China had soared 150% in the 12 months to mid-June as individual investors piled into the rising market, often borrowing heavily to do so. But chiming with warnings that shares were overvalued and the signs of an economic slowdown, the momentum came to a shuddering halt when shares hit a seven-year peak.


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