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Trabalho Escolar: Mapping_Attributes. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  8/10/2014  •  314 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  691 Visualizações

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Model in Creo Parametric

Creating a new model (Test3.prt) and setting up first parameter (MODELD_BY)

The MODELD_BY parameter is normal User Defined parameter but is also created by default in

some of Templates, for exmple in template mms_part_solid.

Creating solid and creating parameters using relations

Model is a simple Rectangular Cuboid (Ortoedro) and its dimensions are respectively by d1, d2 and

d3. Using relations I created 3 parameters SZEROKOSC, WYSOKOSC and GLEBOKOSC, whose

values correspond to the dimensions of the Ortoedro.

Assigning material for the model and using system parameter PTC_MATERIAL_NAME

For assign material to the model we need go to File > Prepare > Model Properties

and click "Chande" on the left from "Material"

later choose material

After assigned material, parameter PTC_MATERIAL_NAME is created automatically.

After all this steps in Creo Parameters we have this result

Should look at the Source column

We have there 3 parameters from Relation and 2 User Defined.

Of course we can create other parameter using + under this table but this will be just one more User

Defined parameter.

WARNING – look at Designate column (4th from the left) – all parameters from Creo Parametric

need be Designated to Windchill show their values. If parameters are not Designated click in empty

box inside Designated column.

Windchill parameters

To mapping parameters from Creo Parametric to Windchill attributes we need create attributes

inside Windchill with this same names like parameters from Creo Parametric.

Now if company will use more than one CAD software is good creating CAD Document Subtype

for all this softwares (for example Creo, CATIA, AutoCAD). I made one for Creo Parametric and

set up there parameters from Creo Parametric

WARNING – in localization <Windchill Home>/codebase/com/ptc/windchill/uwgm/aad/xml is

located EPMDefaultSoftTypes.xml. By default all models from ProENGINEER or Creo are using

DefaultEPMDocument. To change this we need edit this xml document and put there our CAD

Document Subtype name (in my case this is Creo).

Warning – after this changes need restart Method Server

In result after check-in or save model in Windchill we have our parameters in Object Specific group


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