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Predation on Mabuya frenata (Sauria, Scincidade) by Sibynomorphus mikanii (Serpents, Dipsadinae)

Por:   •  26/4/2015  •  Artigo  •  871 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  621 Visualizações

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Predation on Mabuya frenata (Sauria, Scincidade) by Sibynomorphus mikanii (Serpents, Dipsadinae)

Vinícius Silva Monteiro 1,2, Priscilla Caroline Silva ¹, Maria Rita Silvério Pires ¹

¹ Laboratório de Zoologia dos Vertebrados, Departamento de Biodiversidade, Evolução e Meio Ambiente, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, 35400-000,  MG, Brazil. E-mails:,,

² Author for correspondence:

Abstract: Report of a predation event by a Sybinomorphus mikanii snake on a Mabuya frenata lizard. It was recorded on a farm located in Serra de Ouro Branco, southern portion of the Espinhaço chain, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Key words: Predation, Snakes, lizards, “Goo-eater”

The Sibynomorphus mikanii (Shlegel, 1867) species is mainly encountered in the mesophytic savanna forests and watersheds of the Upper Paraná, São Francisco and Tocatins Rivers (Franco 1994). Belonging to the subfamily Dipsadinae, S. mikanii is included in the tribe Dipsadine (Vidal et al. 2000, Zaher 1999). This tribe includes small Aglif snakes that eat only mollusks (Zaher 1999, Ferrarezi 1994). Skull-bone specializations of the S.mikanii species restricts consumption to shelled mollusks (Laporta-Ferreira et al. 1986). In his study, Oliveira et al., 2008 refers to the species as "goo-eater" because of its specialized diet of soft and slimy invertebrates. This species has predominantly nocturnal habits, according to Laporta-Ferreira et al. (1986). The Mabuya frenata (Cope, 1862) lizard belongs to the Scincidae family and its distribution is restricted to the Neotropics (Mausfeld et al. 2002), occurring in the central-west and southeast of Brazil. It is diurnal, being active throughout the day, however in the colder months, the activity can be concentrated in the afternoon (Vrcibradic et al. 1998).
In February 2009, a
S. mikanii individual was captured while preying on a juvenile M. frenata in the rural area of Ouro Branco, in the southern portion of the Espinhaço Chain, in Minas Gerais. At ten o’clock in the morning, a researcher captured the two animals that were in the act of predation. S. mikanii had his head separated from the body due to the way it was struck by the collector, with about 2/3 of the body of M. frenata inside the mouth. The specimens were placed in formalin and sent to the Laboratory of Vertebrate Zoology, Federal University of Ouro Preto. The two specimens were listed in the herpetological collection and presented the following meristic data: S. mikanii had a 48.5 cm total length and was 40.30 cm from snout to vent; and M. frenata had a 3.81 cm total length and was 3.04 cm from snout to vent. This report about the predation of a M. frenata lizard by a S. mikanii snake adds new information about the feeding habits of this snake, indicating a more overall diet than previously known. Since this predation event occurred in the morning, it also suggests that this species has a longer period of activity. Thus, this data supplied more information on the natural history of S. mikanii and incentivates a review of its feeding habits and foraging period.


Acknowledgement is given to the laboratory team of vertebrate zoology, especially to Bruna for the photographs, and to Mr. Mariano for permitting research on his farm.


Colli, G. R. 2010. University of Brasilia - an online reference. URL: Captured on 21 April 2010.

Ferrarezzi, H. 1994. A synopsis of the genera and classification of Squamata ''Snakes''. Family Colubridae. In: Nascimento, L.B, Bernardes, A.T., Cotta, G.A. (eds.), Herpetology in Brazil. Editora PUC-MG, Fundação Ezekiel Dias, Biodiversitas Foundation, Belo Horizonte, 81-91.


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