Career Research: Dermatology
Por: vickar • 12/2/2016 • Trabalho acadêmico • 1.640 Palavras (7 Páginas) • 269 Visualizações
Career Research
Just turn on the television and be ready for dozens of advertisements promising an effective treatment for acne. The medicine? A simple ointment. We often see advertisements that guarantee an end to hair loss in just one month. The truth is that many of these advertisements are misleading or promise more than they can deliver in the end. The hair loss, for example still a headache for physicians. Even with the advances in research and treatment, there is no effective way to reverse the fall. However, we don't need despair . In cases of diseases of the type diseases, the best thing to do is seek an immediate dermatologist. Nowadays, dermatology studies have developed effective methods of preventing hair loss that reduces by 80% the fall (Mota 1).
For centuries, the physician has been one of the most respected members of society. Dermatology is the specialty of medicine that takes care of the treatment and prevention of diseases of the largest organ of the human body: the skin (Dermatology 1). Dermatology takes care of all kinds of diseases and skin infections from simple infections, allergies, and even tumors of skin cancer. In addition to skin diseases, dermatologist study several diseases related to skin appendages such as mouth, hair, nails, and genitals. Since dermatology covers a wide area, the person needs to have a strong multidisciplinary training in addition to studying diseases and treatments for the skin. For example, they may have the knowledge of obstetrics, gynecology, endocrinology, and also oncology in order to treat skin cancer (Goss 1).
In order to become a dermatologist, educational requirements are crucial. Physicians and surgeons have a challenge education and training requirements. Almost all physicians must conclude at least 4 years of undergraduate school, 4 years of medical school, and, depending on their specialty, 3 to 8 years in internship and residency programs (Bureau 5). Students should first obtain a bachelor's degree in the undergraduate education and take courses in English, mathematics, inorganic/organic chemistry, physics, and biology (‘‘Dermatology’’). College students should also focus in social sciences courses, and language classes such as Spanish and Latin. While students are in their second or third year of college, they should arrange with an adviser to take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). All medical colleges in this country require this test for admission (‘‘Dermatologists”).
To apply to most medical schools (MS) in the United States, students will utilize the American Medical College Application Service (AAMC’s) centralized application service. ‘’AMCAS collects, verifies, and delivers application information and MCAT® exam scores to each school you choose’’ (‘‘How to’’ 1). In any part of the world the admissions process to get into MS is very competitive; they evaluate and consider grade point averages, MCAT scores, and recommendations from professors. Unfortunately, only about one-third of all students that applied are accepted.
Students that make it through the rigorous and competitive application process spend the first two years studying physiology, microbiology, pathology, human anatomy, and medical ethics. At the end of 2nd year all medical students take the first part of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE-1), administered by the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME). The purpose of the NBME is to prepare and administer a test that states feel confident in using to determine medical competency when deciding to issue a license to practice medicine (Bianco 11). The USMLE is a exam divided in three parts: the first part is taken in the 2nd year of medical school and tests their comprehension and knowledge in the basic medical sciences; the second part is taken in the 4th year of medical school and tests whether the students can apply their medical knowledge in providing patient care; and the third part is taken in the first year of residency/internship and tests the ability to apply medical knowledge without supervising. Even that is considered a very difficult exam, more than 90% pass the exams. During the last two years they work with hospital patients under the supervision of doctors and professors (Goss 3).
After graduating from MS, Physicians must complete 1-year year internship, three years training (in a job) as a medical resident, a state licensing exam and, for those who meet the requirements, certification by the American Board of Dermatology (ABD). Most of physicians decide to become board certified, which is not mandatory. Certification establish that the doctor has been tested to evaluate his or her knowledge, skills, and experience in a specialty and is ‘’deemed’’ qualified to provide quality to the patient care in that specialty (‘‘Dermatology’’ 2).
Physicians perform many tasks which requires extreme amount of patience, and skills. They must demonstrate to have knowledge about biomedical, clinical, and cognate sciences established and still in development, as well as the application of that knowledge in patient care. Residents must submit an investigative and analytical attitude towards clinical situations, and apply knowledge of basic sciences and clinical support appropriate to their own disciplines (‘Dermatology’’). Medical knowledge is the foundation of our profession, is always evolving and demands of us doctors engagement in learning that spans the entire life. Physicians are committed in a privileged relationship with their patients, which is construct on trust, empathy and protection. The assistance provided by the doctors to the patient must be compassionate, appropriate and effective for the treatment of health problems. They must be competent to communicate effectively and demonstrate caring and respectful behavior towards patients and their families; get accurate and essential information about patients; make a diagnosis and informed therapeutic decisions based on information and patient preferences; updated scientific information and clinical judgment; and work effectively with other health care professionals, in order to obtain beneficial results with the patient.
Physicians as any other occupation has their responsibilities and tasks. Diagnosing a patient involves comprehending the symptoms exhibited and putting them together to understand what is wrong with the patient; treatment involves providing the precise guidance to a patient (‘‘Requirements’’ 2). Other than the doctor's scientific specialty, communication may be the most important skill. ‘’Doctors in the U.S. may need to be able to understand those whose first language is not English, as well as children and the elderly. A 2006 patient study of skills a doctor