Resumo sobre sifilis na gestação
Por: Tassia Carvalho • 5/4/2016 • Abstract • 251 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 290 Visualizações
This study is an integrative literature review, aiming to describe the scientific production on express test for syphilis, evaluate favorable or unfavorable possible factors found by professionals in the realization of express test of syphilis. The research relayed on the SciElo, LILACS and PubMed databases, related to the period from 2009 to 2015,looked for articles in Portuguese and English using the descriptions: congenital syphilis; prenatal care; vertical transmission of infectious disease. After a search in the database, were found 655 articles related to the descriptions, lately were selected those ones which fit in the inclusion criteria, resting 159 articles, in the end it was made a lecture of the articles to find those related to the thematic, summing up 21 articles that compound the final sample. After a careful reading, they were grouped into two categories: prenatal care and treatment of syphilis patients. It was concluded that syphilis continues being one of the most challenging public health problems. The study showed that the lack of access to prenatal care is one of the main reasons for the high syphilis indices. The study also evidence that there is a prevalence of scientific publications in nursing.
Keywords: congenital syphilis; prenatal care; vertical transmission of infectious disease.