Comparação técnica entre PS3 e XBOX 360
Por: svanooze • 21/4/2016 • Artigo • 382 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 138 Visualizações
Ok... u've gone too far... It's not a review. U sound more like a SONY salesman.
Design ? The PS3 looks like a big black pile of shit ! It's huge, it's ugly ! It reminds me of BETAMAX ! They were "better" than VHS, they were "better-looking" than VHS, they were... YES ! THEY WERE ! VHS is still here and BETAMAX is dead and buried !
Afrika ?!?! Is this a game ?! Fuck... looks more like a bunch of screensavers to me ! Ok... Play Afrika and I'll play HALO 3 !
What about Home (Free) ! It's Barbie style game ! Little Tiny Stinky Town.... no comments...
And those are THE BEST EXCLUSIVE GAMES ?! Fuck... I fear for the worst games...
Ahh ! of course ! That's because the XBOX 360 is more "war related". And the PS3 ?! Is it gay related ?! What kind of morons would pay US$ 500.00 to play silly and stupid so-called games ?! How old r u ? 5 ?!
6-axis controller ? What for ? If I wanna play "reality style" I'd go for the Wii ! What's this 6-axis for ? There are like
what ? 5 games that support this crap ? While this shit is useless, ur meant to what ? Shove it up ur ass and dance some
Samba with it ?!
7 controllers ?! WHAT THE FUCK FOR ?! If u have ONLINE CAPABILITIES ! 7 controllers for 7 guys in the same room ? Sounds more like a gay gangbang to me !
70 foot wireless range... Like ur going to install ur PS3 in ur room and play it in some other building or maybe in the bathroom, while taking a dump and thinking why the fuck did u buy this shit !
And last but not least... WHY THIS STUPID IDEA OF STICKING A CARD READER EVERYWHERE ?!?! Are they cheap in China ?! Like u gonna wake up one morning and think "Ohhh... I'm gonna stick my MemoryCard in my PS3 to see my pictures". FUCK! U have a PC for this ! Stick the MemoryStick in ur ass and see ur pictures in the toilet !
But finally, I got ur point. U made this video to SELL ur PS3 and buy a XBOX360 !