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Consultor de gerenciamento de TI

Tese: Consultor de gerenciamento de TI. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  10/4/2014  •  Tese  •  531 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  402 Visualizações

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7 steps



IT management consultant

Barclay Rae concentrates

on the fundamentals of IT

service management.

Here’s a summary of the 7 steps to ITSM goodness. (Learn more by watching my

free webinar.)

1. Listen to and engage your customers.

This should be obvious, but too often it just doesn’t happen. The vital element

here is listening. The value of engaging customers comes from gaining information

about what’s important for them and their work and, secondly, giving them the

chance to have their say.

2. Build a structure of services based on business outcomes.

This involves visualizing effectively what the IT organization does and populating

this view with useful information to improve the IT supply chain. Importantly, this

also moves the driver away from SLAs to outcomes and establishes a link

between what IT does and how IT supports business goals.

ITSM goodness Solutions Brief

Watch the recording

of Barclay’s webinar

on ITSM Goodness.


3. Invest in the service desk.

This is the flagship or “storefront” for IT. The service desk sits in a pivotal position

with the capability to deliver real value for customers. It therefore needs investments

in resources, tools and good people. It also needs to be visibly supported by its own

management and other parts of IT.

4. Get problem management working.

This process is rarely implemented fully although it can unlock quality improvements

and be the real game-changer. It’s important to focus on the human and people-skills

required as much as the process, as successful problem management depends on

the drive and diplomacy of the problem manager.

5. Report on useful stuff.

Who actually reads your reports? Much of the reporting produced by IT organizations

is not read or used for improvement, often due to lack of service focus and too much

emphasis on SLAs. If the outcomes are defined as in step 2, then this provides a

valuable model for effective metrics and reporting, based on business needs.

6. Get the whole of IT working together.

IT delivery is now effectively a supply chain, and all areas need to work together

to deliver. This requires support from management and also a move away from

the traditional silo approach to delivery. Change programs need to recognize


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