Eletronica Potencia
Dissertações: Eletronica Potencia. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: carlaelainesilva • 15/11/2013 • 2.922 Palavras (12 Páginas) • 510 Visualizações
H. S. Barbuy , A. Rocco , L. A. Fernandes
Unisanta - R. Dr. Osvaldo Cruz, 266 Santos, SP, Brazil
barbuy@unisanta.br ; arocco@unisanta.br ; laugusto@unisanta.br
C. Goldemberg
Escola Politécnica da USP - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 3-158 São Paulo, SP, Brasil
Abstract - In synchronous generator exciters there exist
rectifiers both in the actuator and in the AVR (automatic
voltage regulator) feedback sensors. This paper discusses
some of the choices available in each of these sub-systems,
taking into account the overall dynamic performance of the
AVR loop. This dynamic perfomance enables a fast reactive
power dispatch.
Rectifier circuits, Synchronous generator control, AVR,
Excitation system, Reactive power dispatch.
A fast dispatch of reactive power contributes to the dynamic
stability of the electric energy system’s Q/V loop, avoiding its
In 1999, on March 11 there was a black out in the Brazilian
electric energy system because of Q/V loop collapse. Many
national and international experts in this matter (including A.
Rocco that was systems operation manager of Eletropaulo
S.A.) studied what to do to improve the operational security
stability margins. One of the suggestions was to improve the
AVR dynamics of the generators located near the energy
comsumption centers, specifically Henry Borden, L.C.Barreto,
and Porto Colômbia power stations.
Similar voltage collapse events also occurred in Japan,
France, Sweden, USA and other times in Brazil in the last
fifteen years.
These events were caused by local reactive power deficits.
The electrical system was unable to supply, in the required
time, the amount of reactive power necessary to keep the
voltage levels within operational margins. The critical
condition usually happened in the period immediately before
the peak of demand, when the highest demand rate occurs.
This paper discusses some technical details related to the
rectifiers that are used within the synchronous generator
exciters, which affect the AVR dynamic response.
This paper will discuss only models AC4A (Alternator
supplied controlled-rectifier exciter) and ST1A (Potential
source controlled rectifier exciter) of IEEE standard 421 [1].
The only difference between both models is the energy source
used for feeding the controlled rectifier. An independent
electric network in used in the AC4A model while the
synchronous generator terminals feeds its own rectifier
(usually by means of a step-down excitation transformer) in the
ST1A arrangement. The ST1A unifilar diagram is shown in
Fig. 1.
Usually the automatic control operates as a terminal voltage
controller (AVR-Automatic voltage regulator) although other
operating modes may exist such as a power factor regulator or
even as a VAR regulator. But these other operating modes
usually work around the AVR, which acts as a subordinate
loop inside the exciter system.
II.1 Actuator rectifier
The actuator rectifier is fed by the synchronous machine
through a power transformer (except for low power, low
voltage generators). High power exciter systems usually use a
fully controlled three phase bridge although this is not required
explicitely by the IEEE Std. 421. In some small generators it
is possible to use single phase rectifiers. These two
arrangements for the actuator rectifier are shown in Figs. 2
and 3.
Different ripple levels exist at the machine field terminals
and produce side-effects, even considering that the field circuit
has a large time constant. These ripple components depend on
the excitation transfomer turns ratio (or in other words, of the
ceiling voltage of the excitation system).
Fig. 2 Three phase full bridge rectifier, used for high power
Fig. 3 Half wave, single phase actuator rectifier, that can be
used for low-power generators.
Fig. 4 Half wave, single phase rectifier with filter.
Fig. 5 Full wave, three phase rectifier with filter.
Fig. 6 Twelve pulse rectifier circuit with filter.