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Iso 20000

Artigos Científicos: Iso 20000. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  17/10/2014  •  389 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  443 Visualizações

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Abstract — IT Service Management is a scientific discipline

which is responsible for giving instructions connected to the

management of IT services. Information Technology

Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is the most popular framework for

the management of IT services which consists of five phases and

26 processes. ISO/IEC 20000 is the first and only international

standard responsible for the management of IT services which

consists of four phases and 13 processes. The aim of this paper is

to give proposal for the design of two new models of IT Service

Management models. The first one is a performed version of

ISO/IEC 20000 model which is the result of the comparison with

ITIL framework. The second one is a performed version of ITIL

2011 framework which is the result of the comparison with

ISO/IEC 20000 standard. Both models are produced in the test

environment of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS system) in one

Telecom operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Improvements are

done by adding new processes into both process models. New

processes which are added into a performed version of ISO/IEC

20000 model are: Event Management, Demand Management,

Service Portfolio Management and Service Validation and

Testing process. New processes which are added into a

performed version of ITIL model are: Business Relationship

Management and Supplier Management. Both new models are

universal and their application could be in every type of the


Keywords — ISO/IEC 20000, ITIL, Event Management,

Demand Management, Service Portfolio Management, Service

Validation and Testing, Business Relationship Management,

Supplier Management.


Since its emergence in 2005 year from 3GPP (Third

Generation Partnership Project), IP Multimedia Subsystem

(IMS) became standardized architecture for providing

circuit switched and packet switched services on one

integrated, total and summarized solution. Today many

Telecom operators are implementing, if they have not

already implemented it, IMS system to coordinate many

overlapping services from different architectures to one



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