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A Tarefa Curso Agile Meets Desing Thinking

Por:   •  4/11/2020  •  Resenha  •  427 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  129 Visualizações

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Agile Meets Design Thinking

Assignment by Beatriz V. Weiss

1. Positioning Statement

For teams at the Federal University of Santa Catarina that offer online courses, E-Learning.exe is a free and easy-to-use tool for the development of IMS packages. Unlike eXelearning, our product has a practical and intuitive look.

2. Brainstorm Personas

Assignment Body

1: Free Form Personas List- More is More Here!

2: List in Priority Order

3: Notes (Optional)

Karyne the librarian

Bety, the teacher

Carla, the assistant

Lauren, the coordinator

Ketlyn, the intern

Ketlyn, the intern

Bety, the teacher

Karyne the librarian

Carla, the assistant

Lauren, the coordinator

As Ketlyn, a trainee, is the main developer of IMS packages with content for the courses, I think it is the main user of the software.

3. Make Your Persona Testable & Actionable with a Screener

Assignment Body

With this persona, we need to verify that it is the individual who works most with the development of IMS Packages. We need to analyze whether anyone else designs these packages (in future investigations).


Screening Question


Ketlyn, the intern

How many IMS packages do you write?

>60% of all

4. Develop Problem Scenario, Alternatives, Proposition Trios

Problem Scenarios/Jobs-to-be-Done

Current Alternatives

Your Value Proposition

Find the program tools

Search video lessons, study tutorials

If we make a program with an intuitive look, there is no need to search to find out where the tools are

Find out how to protect the copyright of the materials

Search for video lessons, study tutorials, conduct research on programming sites, perform tests to avoid bugs

If we make a button that provides the protection option, the intern will do it in a practical and intuitive way and then he can be faster and more efficient

5. Design a Solution for Your PS/JTBD with User Stories

Epic User Stories

As Ketlyn, the internship, I want to be able to design IMS copyrighted packages in a practical and intuitive way so that I can have time to do my other tasks.

Storyboard for Epic

[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3][pic 4][pic 5][pic 6]

Child Stories for Epic

Child Stories

General Notes & Analytics

I know which tool I want to use and I want to find it in the program so that I can create the IMS package

Where are the buttons for such a tool located?

Why is it hard to find?

I don't know which tool helps me at the moment so that I can create the IMS package

Are tutorials accessible for this program?

I don't know how to protect the copyright of the materials so that I can create the IMS package

Is there easy access to this option?

I want to be able to finalize the IMS package so that I can also perform my other tasks

How long can you complete the IMS package?


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