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O Movie Review

Por:   •  19/11/2020  •  Resenha  •  260 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  143 Visualizações

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Bad Boys Forever 2020

The 2020 Bad Boys Forever movie directed by Billal Fallah and Adil He Arbi from the franchise that Will Smith(Mike) and Martin Laurence return as older characters to show how the lives of the characters Mike and Marcus are as the l Bad boys figures are in their times of Peace, are broken when Mike is shot in a homicide attempt, marcus in an attempt to live a calmer life tries to keep his distance and live a calmer life while mike seeks vigilance in an attempt to avenge his near death. Marcus retires in an attempt to get out of a life of risk and tries to convince Mike but Mike is thirsty for revenge, the film  brings in this plot a story that tries to bring as time goes by you limit it even when the energy is on, and about this legacy of being a person who runs after that protects from being a bad boy, that despite the things around him have changed  some new people have emerged and be another decade the essence the "old guard" film remains.

 itself is great i really like it brings a mix of comedy and action and brings back an old film franchise  for new generations leaving open the continuation, bringing his murderer as his son and how the bad boy legacy was passed on to different generations, I really liked the film besides being a big fan of will smith the film brings great action and comedy scenes combining everything a little.


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