Humanos diretoides
Por: lucmonteiro • 25/9/2015 • Monografia • 357 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 162 Visualizações
Patrick good afternoon.
First of all, I thank to you and your family for welcoming me so well in your home.
I thank also the opportunity to work for you, if you need me, I would be happy to work for you guys again.
When I was in the United States, we work together and I think it went very well, I have the impression that you was very pleased, as I was.
When I returned to Brazil I left my email and telephone to James for him to make a link between my qualifications and RubberFab to study the possibility of me selling your products here in Brazil. It has been 2 months since I left, and as James also expressed interest in working for RubberFab in Brazil, I think there should be a conflict of interest between us. So, I am taking the liberty to talk to you for we studying if there is a real possibility for me to do this service (direct representative of Rubberfab or representative authorized to resell Rubberfab products in Brazil). I do not know how it would be more interesting for both parties (company and seller).
Attached follows the qualifications of Lucas Leal Monteiro (My Son in law) along with phones and contact emails.
Thank you for your attention and look forward to your contact.
Hug family, senior Bob and Bob junior.
Sincerely, Deca (Mr. Freeze).
Quando eu fui para os Estados Unidos me encontrar com o Mario, estavamos pensando em trabalhar junto a RubberFab representando a empresa aqui no Brasil, mas Mario declinou e pelo fato de eu nao falar tao bem o ingles, eu nao consegui me expressar junto ao Bob.
Falei com o James, mas ele demonstrou interesse em vir trabalhar no Brasil de forma que houve um conflito de interesses entre nos.
Nao sei se estou sendo invasivo ou nao, mas gostaria de falar com o Patrick sobre a possibilidade de trabalhar para a RubberFab no Brasil.
Antecipadamente peço desculpas.
Voce poderia encaminhar para ele o email que escrevi em anexo, onde estou mandando as qualificacoes profissionais do meu genro e sobre o que poderiamos fazer aqui no Brasil.
Se possivel gostaria de falar com Patrick tambem.