Por: vanessavfurtado • 9/11/2016 • Seminário • 730 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 690 Visualizações
Grupo 4B: Amanda Vilhena
Camila Bonadias
Maryanna Soledade
Túlio Soares
As buscas de artigos científicos referentes ao Ácido Succínico foram realizadas na base de busca Scopus. Com os resultados obtidos nesta base foram realizadas análises macro, meso e micro.
Foi feita busca por artigos científicos na base Scopus. Para tal, foi utilizada pesquisa avançada, Palavra chave: succinic acid– article title AND production – abstract, foram obtidos 199 artigos, usamos 15 deles para análise.
Artigo | Taxonomia | Título |
1 | Production | Efficient and repeated production of succinic acid by turning sugarcane bagasse intol sugar and suppolrt |
2 | Application | Crosslinking phenolic compounds with cotton fabrics using succinic acid to develop functional clothing materials |
3 | Application | Synthesis, characterization of rare earth complexes with succinic acid and 1,10- phenanthroline and interacting with DNA |
4 | Production | Succinic acid production by Actinobacillus succinogenes from batch fermentation of mixed sugars |
5 | Optimization | Highly selective production of succinic acid by metabolically engineered Mannheimia succiniciproducens and its efficient purification |
6 | Optimization | Improving succinic acid production by Actinobacillus succinogenes from raw industrial carob pods |
7 | Production | Production of succinic acid by metabolically engineered microorganisms |
8 | Property | Studies on cross-linking of succinic acid with chitosan/collagen |
9 | Application | Sustainable polyesters for powder coating applications from recycled PET, isosorbide and succinic acid |
10 | Optimization | Actinobacillus succinogenes: Advances on succinic acid production and prospects for development of integrated biorefineries |
11 | Production | Microbial production of succinic acid using crude and purified glycerol from a Crotalaria juncea based biorefinery |
12 | Production | Sustainability assessment of succinic acid production technologies from biomass using metabolic engineering |
13 | Production | Sustainable succinic acid production from rice husks |
14 | Property | Effects of lignocellulose-derived inhibitors on growth and succinic acid accumulation by Corynebacterium glutamicum |
15 | Optimization | From raw materials to products: Research progress in bio-based succinic acid |
Tabela 1 - Número e Título dos Artigos Encontrados na Busca
A tabela 2 lista o ano, país e a publicação dos artigos encontrados na busca
Número | País | Ano | Publicação |
1 | China | 2016 | Elsevier |
2 | South Korea | 2016 | Korean Fiber Society |
3 | China | 2015 | Beijing Magtech |
4 | Sweden/Greece | 2016 | Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology |
5 | South Korea | 2016 | Wiley Periodicals |
6 | Portugal | 2016 | Elsevier |
7 | South Korea | 2016 | Elsevier |
8 | India | 2013 | CSIR |
9 | Italy | 2014 | the Partner Organisations |
10 | Greece/UK | 2016 | Elsevier |
11 | India/UK | 2016 | Elsevier |
12 | Switzerland/ Sweden | 2016 | The Royal Society of Chemistry |
13 | Brazil | 2015 | Elsevier |
14 | China | 2015 | Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering |
15 | China | 2015 | Science Press |